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EOPS Hacks [V2.0 Release]
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Post #198800 EOPS Hacks [V2.0 Release]
Endless Online Private Server Hacks -- [Version 2.0]
EOPS Hacks is a program for the EO client/private servers, that allows you to do many useful things you wouldn't normally be able to do.
There has been alot of new useful hacks added, all 'useful' pointers added, and many graphical improvements to the program.
--You can find detailed information about this project below, as well as the [official download page]--

EOPS Hacks V2.0 Download

EOPS Hacks (V1-V2 Updates)
V2.0 Hacks

-Client Version Hack/Pointer
-Spell Que Hack
-Click Master Hack

-Unlimited Bag Hack
-Turn Delay+ Hack
-Info Freeze Hack
-Item Hack

V2.0 Pointers
-Client Version Pointer
-Refresh Hack Pointer

-Chat Spam Pointer
-Friend/Enemy Pointers

V2.0 Hacks Minor Updates
-EOPS Hacks Icon Got rid of the original icon for EOPS Hacks, and created a more fitting one.
-Statistics Bars Fixed up the entire bottom character statistics area/improved statistic images/fixed alignment fails, ect.. xD
-Images Added images for friend/enemy pointers, drunk hack/spell que buttons, and the version pointer for a little style.
-Hack/Button Descriptions Fixed up hack/button descriptions, not that it really matters too much..

EOPS Hacks (Main Hacks Info)
Below is every hack within EOPS Hacks and their use/description.

#1.Anti AFK
This hack bypasses [idle] restrictions, and prevents you from disconnecting from the server while afk. (Idle too long)
The Anti AFK pointer allows you to see how close to disconnection you are.
(When this value reaches: 17500, you will be disconnected from the server)

#2.Weight Hack
This hack bypasses [weight] restrictions, and allows you to pick up, drop, junk, trade, and use items without a change in your weight.
This hack also allows you to drop/pick up items from chests/lockers, without a change in your weight.
The weight hack pointer allows you to easily set your weight to 0!

#3.Unlimited Bag
This neat hack allows you to stack items into other items. (Hold an unlimited amount of items in your inventory)

FOLLOW the directions below to hack your inventory!
-Left Click an item in your inventory.
-Left Click a blank space in your inventory.
-Left Click another item to stack/merge both.
-Right Click anywhere in inventory to confirm the stack!

(Remember weight restrictions still apply. Use the weight hack with this if needed)
(Do not worry about losing items, it SHOULD not happen. Items will likely glitch in blank spaces)
(If items glitch, click blank inventory spaces to find and restore glitched/hidden items, or simply relog)

#4.Refresh Hack
This hack bypasses [client refresh] restrictions, and allows you to instantly refresh the client. (F12)
The Refresh Hack pointer allows you to view how long you must wait after each refresh.

#5.Chat Spam
This hack bypasses [public chat flood] restrictions.
The Chat Spam pointer allows you to view how long you must wait once chat flood occurs.
(When its value reaches 2 or less, you can send messages again)
(The lower the value, the more messages you can send before chat flood is triggered)

#6.Potion Hack
This hack bypasses [item click delay] restrictions, and ensures a potion will be used after two clicks, no matter your delay.
The + button allows you to use items in one single click, if you click fast enough! (About half a second apart per click)

#7.Player Menu
This hack bypasses [player menu] restrictions, and freezes the player menu when you right click another player.
You can send party and trade requests, without the player menu disappearing.
(You must disable the hack for the players menu to disappear)

#8.Status Bars
This hack bypasses [status bar] restrictions, and freezes your HP/TP/SP/TNL status bars.
(Your status bars will always remain open, unless clicked or the hack is disabled)

#9.Stat Apply
This hack bypasses [stat apply] restrictions, and allows you to set/apply stat points MUCH faster than normal.
This hack also prevents the [Do you want to train] message from reappearing.

#10.Turn Delay
This hack bypasses [turn delay] restrictions, and allows you to turn slightly faster, when moving and turning directions.
The + button allows you to turn directions slower while moving. (Basically the opposite of turn delay!)

This hack bypasses [trade/join request] restrictions, and allows you to send infinite trade and join requests to other players.
This hack also blocks the trade agree delay, when adding a new item into trades.
(NOTE- You can no longer spam trade and party requests, it has been fixed in eoserv)

#12.Item Hack
This hack bypasses [drop/junk menu] restrictions, and prevents those menus from popping up, when dropping/junking items.
Basically, if you have at least 2 of an item and try to drop, it will automatically drop one.
(This will not work with gold - There is a private hack for that)

#13.Client Focus
This hack bypasses [non-active client] restrictions, and allows you to use the EO client while not active.
(After you enable this hack, you must click the EO window, followed by the window you want in focus)

#14.Unlimited SP
This hack bypasses [sp] restrictions, and freezes your sp so it does not decrease from any action.

#15.Sit Speed
This hack bypasses [sit/stand] restrictions, and allows you to sit/stand faster than normal.

#16.Bubble Freeze
This hack bypasses [chat bubble delay] restrictions, and freezes players chat bubbles when they talk.

#17.Player Freeze
This hack bypasses [player bar delay] restrictions, and freezes players hp bars, and the heal/damage amount displayed above their head.
(From being healed or taking damage)

#18.Info Freeze
This hack bypasses [client status delay] restrictions, and freezes your latest action/status/info.
(Ex- Picking up items, gaining experience, clicking buttons, ect)

#19.Drunk Hack
This contains two different drunk hacks. Both allow you to be a perma drunk, without needing fairy sodas.
The button hack allows your messages to appear normal, while you are drunk)
The drunk hack pointer allows your messages to appear distorted, while you are drunk)

#20.Click Master
This hack bypasses [ground click] restrictions, and allows you to click ground tiles, without your character being moved.
The + button bypasses [click per tile delay] allowing you to click multiple tiles MUCH faster.
(When clicking and switching from one tile to another)

#21.Spell Que
This hack bypasses [spell que delay] restrictions, which occur after casting a targeting spell.
(Allows your last spell casted to always remain active)

#22.Text Color
This allows you to change the clients text color.
(There are 8 colors to choose from. 0 is the default) 

#23.Trippy Map
This hack changes the Transparency/Color of the Players Map.
It gives a neat effect, and makes Map Icons look funky.

D- This Button Sets the Default Transparency settings.
0- This Button Sets the Character, Chat Bubble/others transparency to zero. It allows you to be visible behind walls/objects.
M- This Button Sets the Maps Transparency to zero.

These are hacks that have no reason to be disabled. They are automatically enabled at start up.

#25.Instant Login
This is always enabled by default, so you always login fast and easy!

#26.Menu Hack
This is always enabled by default, so you can constantly walk, with any menu open.
Effected Menus: Exit Menu, Performance Menu, Paperdoll Menu, Bard Menu, Quest Menu, Friend/Ignore Menus, Drop/Junk Menus, Help Menu and the Trade Menu.

#27.Infinite Login Attempts
This is always enabled by default, so you always have unlimited login attempts.

#28.Text Field Blink Color
This is always enabled by default, to allow an easier to see Text Field Blink.

Below is every pointer within EOPS Hacks. They display the values of useful client/character statistics.

#1.Client Version (Major Pointer/Hack)
The client version pointer/hack bypasses [client version] restrictions, and allows you to manually change the client version and use eops hacks on any server.

**If you are using a custom client, EOPS Hacks may not work without the method below**
(For example, the Bones Underground client)

-For EOPS Hacks to work on BU, you would need to copy endless.exe and paste it in the BU (client files) folder.
-Then when at the BU login screen, change the client version, to the actual version of the client. (In this case 3)
(You can now use EOPS Hacks on any server! Just make sure you type the correct client version number!)

#2.Anti AFK (Special Pointer)

The anti afk pointer allows you to see how close to disconnection you are.
(When this value reaches: 17500, you will be disconnected from the server)
(You can manually set this also!)

#3.Weight Hack (Special Pointer)
The weight hack pointer allows you to set your weight to 0, fast and easy!
(No more dropping items to adjust weight!)

#4.Refresh Hack (Special Pointer)
The refresh hack pointer allows you to view how long you must wait after each refresh.

#5.Chat Spam (Special Pointer)
The chat spam pointer allows you to view how long you have to wait for chat flood.
(When its value reaches 2 or less, you can send messages again)
(The lower the value, the more messages you can send)

#6.Drunk Hack (Special Pointer)
(The drunk hack pointer allows your messages to appear distorted, while you are drunk)
(This does not require fairy sodas to get you drunk!)

#7.Attack Counter (Special Pointer)
This pointer allows you to view the Amount of Hits you have done, while Attacking in one spot.
This is basically a Freeze Prevention/Notification, so you know exactly when you will freeze.
(When this value reaches: 251, your attack will freeze and you will need to move one tile.)

#8.Acc Creation (Special Pointer)
This pointer allows you to view the timer when making a new account.
When this value reaches: 512, your new account will be created.
(Changing this value manually, usually wont work.)

#9.Item Checker (Special Pointer)
This Pointer allows you to View the ID of Items inside your Inventory.
(You must Hover over the Item you want to know the ID of.)

#10.Friends List (Special Pointer)
This pointer displays the amount of friends that are in your friends list.

#11.Enemies List (Special Pointer)
This pointer displays the amount of enemies that are in your ignore list.

Displays your characters total [Strength] points.

Displays your characters total [Intelligence] points

Displays your characters total [Wisdom] points

Displays your characters total [Agility] points

Displays your characters total [Constitution] points

Displays your characters total [Charisma] points

Displays your characters total Accuracy points

Displays your characters total [Defence] points

Displays your characters total [Evasion] Points

#21.Map Number
Displays the current map you're on.

#22.Map XLoc (Special Pointer)
Displays your current [X] Location.


This pointer allows you to change/view the X location of the map you're on, without actually moving your character.
Simply edit the value for the X Loc Pointer. Press F12 (Refresh) on EO to fix the map with proper X Loc variable.

#23.Map YLoc (Special Pointer)
Displays your current [Y] location.


This pointer allows you to change/view Y location of the map you're on, without actually moving your character.
Simply edit the value for the Y Loc Pointer. Press F12 (Refresh) on EO to fix the map with proper Y Loc variable.

#24.Level (Special Pointer)
Displays your characters level.

This pointer allows you to view the experience needed for any lvl! Basically a tnl chart of every lvl.
Change the LVL Pointer to 1 less then the actual lvl you want to know the tnl of.
After you do this, you must kill an npc.
Now it will show your tnl needed for that lvl if you look at the Next Tnl Pointer.

Displays your characters experience needed till next level.

#26.Next-Tnl (Special Pointer)
Displays your characters next experience needed till next level, (after you level.)
(ex- If you are level 5, [Next-Tnl] will display the exp needed from the start of level 6-7.)

This pointer allows you to view the experience needed for any lvl! Basically a tnl chart of every lvl.
Read the Level Pointer Info, to understand how to do it!

#27.Total Exp
Displays the total experiance you have gained on your character.

#28.Damage Output
Displays the Min-Max Damage you're capable of.

#29.Stat Points
Displays the total amount of unspent stat points you have.

#30.Skill Points
Displays the total amount of unspent skill points you have.

#31.Sessions Exp
Displays the total amount of experience, gained while logged on.

#32.Last Kill
Displays the experience gained from your last kill.

#33.Best Kill
Displays the experience gained from your best kill. (Most exp from a kill)

#34.HP Status
Displays your characters health status.

#35.TP Status
Displays your characters mana status.

#36.SP Status
Displays your characters sprint status.

#37.WT Status
Displays your characters weight status.

#38.INV Gold
Displays your characters total amount of Gold (From Inventory)

EOPS Hacks (Other Info)
These are extra buttons, to help make things easier.

[Enable All] / [Disable All]
These buttons enable/disable most hacks, except for Client Focus/Graphic Hacks.

End (endless.exe)
This button will terminate the endless.exe process, no matter the issue with the process.

EOPS Hack Info
This contains basic info. (Credits/Reminder to check text help file for detailed info of everything)
EO Resources/Guides: â—„ eobud.boards.net â–º
8 years, 27 weeks ago
Post #198804 Re: EOPS Hacks

Nice release. I think it would be neat to have a toggle option for statistics. 

CN:BH 4 lyfe
8 years, 27 weeks ago
Post #198805 Re: EOPS Hacks

This is a nice project. I'm digging number 9. Good job

Still don't like you. 

"Straight outta cago"
8 years, 27 weeks ago
Post #198806 Re: EOPS Hacks
jimmy posted: (5th Nov 2015, 05:37 pm)

Nice release. I think it would be neat to have a toggle option for statistics. 

Thanks. I'll consider doing that in the next version, I don't see why you wouldn't want to see character statistics though. D:

Redivivusnickos- Thanks, I like that one a lot to, it's one of the neater hacks.

Still don't care, still don't like you. =d

EO Resources/Guides: â—„ eobud.boards.net â–º
8 years, 27 weeks ago
Post #198807 Re: EOPS Hacks

While I've never hacked in EO, and am pretty much done with playing it, this is a good list of things that people would frequently use/improvements to the general UI. Not sure if its in the list but you should try and add some option to move objects in the inventory to get the best storage space available. Was always a pain to move items so that i could pick up one or two more items. 

Former multi-server mapper.
8 years, 27 weeks ago
Post #198808 Re: EOPS Hacks

I may be misunderstanding something here - But... Isn't the "Chat Clear" hack also doable in a non-modified client by just hitting Esc?

Really cool set of hacks here though, the stats are also interesting.

Want to learn to pixel?
8 years, 27 weeks ago
Post #198810 Re: EOPS Hacks
Cirras posted: (6th Nov 2015, 01:31 am)

I may be misunderstanding something here - But... Isn't the "Chat Clear" hack also doable in a non-modified client by just hitting Esc?

Really cool set of hacks here though, the stats are also interesting.

How do I clear the chat by hitting esc? Esc only exits some popups for me.
I not hacker

“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its
whole life believing that it is stupid.” - Albert Einstein : Really Great Quote Ramy!
8 years, 27 weeks ago
Post #198812 Re: EOPS Hacks
Misca- If that was doable, that would be a great idea! Unfortunately, you are fairly limited to what you can do/modify within the EO Client for the most part. 

I'm pretty sure it's not possible to make such a modification within the EO Client. I wish it was though, I like this idea a lot. 

Cirras- I'm guessing you think that I mean "Chat Clear" hack, is the exact equivalent to pressing the esc key? Think of it like this- Normally if you have a full message typed in chat, it will take around 4-5 seconds to delete the whole message, with the "Esc Key". With this hack, if you have a full message typed, the entire message will be deleted instantly when you press the Clear Chat hack or the hotkey setup for it. :P 

It's happened too many times where I finish a long message, and notice I messed up badly with typos. xD Just a extra little hack, I figured it's better to have than not have. =d

EO Resources/Guides: â—„ eobud.boards.net â–º
8 years, 27 weeks ago
Post #198813 Re: EOPS Hacks

if you press the ESC key it instantly deletes anything you've typed. just figured that out a couple months ago surprisingly

Tire me.
8 years, 27 weeks ago
Post #198814 Re: EOPS Hacks
Mouse posted: (6th Nov 2015, 04:34 am)

if you press the ESC key it instantly deletes anything you've typed. just figured that out a couple months ago surprisingly

Yeah, that. I figured it out this year, after all these years.
Want to learn to pixel?
8 years, 27 weeks ago
Post #198815 Re: EOPS Hacks
Mouse posted: (6th Nov 2015, 04:34 am)

if you press the ESC key it instantly deletes anything you've typed. just figured that out a couple months ago surprisingly

Cirras posted: (6th Nov 2015, 07:15 am)

Mouse posted: (6th Nov 2015, 04:34 am)

if you press the ESC key it instantly deletes anything you've typed. just figured that out a couple months ago surprisingly

Yeah, that. I figured it out this year, after all these years.

Yeah you guys are damn welcome.

Nice release, but I think I'll stick to my good ol' EO Trainer. Even if it is ''out of date.''
"Nurd, you're like a fucking swiss army knife" - Necrosis
8 years, 27 weeks ago
Post #198816 Re: EOPS Hacks

Mouse/Cirras- Wow I never noticed "Esc Key" deletes a whole message.. Don't I feel dumb. Haha. I must have been tired yesterday, I didn't even mean to say esc key, I meant delete key lol. I don't understand how I never noticed the esc key did this.. Is this something new, or did we really all coincidentally not know for all those years somehow? lmao

Nurd- Thanks, any particular reason why, if you don't mind me asking? I always like to hear feedback. :]

EO Resources/Guides: â—„ eobud.boards.net â–º
8 years, 27 weeks ago
Post #198817 Re: EOPS Hacks

This is a really cool (soon to be) release and adds some super useful features that don't totally break the flow of the game, specifically the automatic hacks (How would the automatic login work as well?). My only personal gripe with it is that the UI isn't very clean, but hey if it works it doesn't matter how fancy it looks.

8 years, 27 weeks ago
Post #198818 Re: EOPS Hacks
Nurd posted: (6th Nov 2015, 10:28 am)

Mouse posted: (6th Nov 2015, 04:34 am)

if you press the ESC key it instantly deletes anything you've typed. just figured that out a couple months ago surprisingly

Cirras posted: (6th Nov 2015, 07:15 am)

Mouse posted: (6th Nov 2015, 04:34 am)

if you press the ESC key it instantly deletes anything you've typed. just figured that out a couple months ago surprisingly

Yeah, that. I figured it out this year, after all these years.

Yeah you guys are damn welcome.

Nice release, but I think I'll stick to my good ol' EO Trainer. Even if it is ''out of date.''

EOTrainer isn't really out of data ;o The client hasn't changed for like 8 years? so the program doesn't really need to catch up on anything ;o

But this release is looking cool, I like the small things like having insta login always enabled!

8 years, 27 weeks ago
Post #198819 Re: EOPS Hacks

Colby- The way the automatic hacks work with this program, is not the best way. I mean there is no issues what so ever from it, I'd just rather do it another way later on. Currently for automatic hacks, it's just using the hacks on timers, so every 800 ms for example it will poke the value for (auto/insta login) .

Can you please explain to me what exactly you mean by the ui not being clean? I thought I had everything organized/setup pretty well, and I've reduced the size of the program significantly from the previous release (WeedHax) so it takes up a lot less space. I'd love to know specifically what you mean so maybe I can try to improve it if I find it necessary, or worth while.

Callum- Yea outdated is probably not the best term for what he meant, but I understood exactly what he meant anyways. Eo trainer is good, just old as hell, and there has been nothing new for a long time (8 years or so like you said), which was the whole reason I even decided to start this project. :] Thanks, and yes automatic instant login is a very important part of the program. :)

EO Resources/Guides: â—„ eobud.boards.net â–º
8 years, 27 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > Client Editing > EOPS Hacks [V2.0 Release]