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Post #197451 Rev's

Does soemone know of a rev that has most of the basics Weddings,Laws,Aoe and such if you could link me it. Thank You

8 years, 37 weeks ago
Post #197452 Re: Rev's

Stop posting multiple topics. If your other topic was unanswered there's probably a good reason for it.

Former multi-server mapper.
8 years, 37 weeks ago
Post #197453 Re: Rev's
Misca posted: (16th Aug 2015, 08:17 pm)

Stop posting multiple topics. If your other topic was unanswered there's probably a good reason for it.

Dude the only good reason would be for shitty replies with no valuable content like you just made.

Is it that hard to answer such a simple fucking question?  Dont listen to Misca.

To answer the question: you can use a shitty rev like EOSOURCE that has the revs you mentioned..

OR you could search in Google: "EOSERV REVS" and possibly find some results such as insoms rev, lewis' rev, ice & fire, and a couple other ones. But honestly your best bet is to find a coder and get him /her to add the features you want

Usually when someone posts multiple topics. It's because they have an issue they wish to resolve. The solution to this is to ANSWER THEIR QUESTION CLEARLY AND THOROUGHLY so they don't have to KEEP ASKING.
8 years, 37 weeks ago
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