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Weird Town Map - First Time Mapping in 2 years
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Post #196149 Weird Town Map - First Time Mapping in 2 years

Unfinished, i'll work on it more in my free time :)
Just wanted to see some feedback based on the layout of the map so far.
Don't worry, be happy.-Bobby McFerrin
10 years, 20 weeks ago
Post #196150 Re: Weird Town Map - First Time Mapping in 2 years

It looks ok, but definately needs improvement. I know you said it's unfinished though! It's a good start, but heres a few suggestions I think would make it alot better.

-The grass tiles look very awkward. Maybe add some different grass tiles on the last row to make it blend better. (before your brick type tiles) You probably just started that part of the map though by the looks of it.

-The Path borders look off on the corners/some other parts. Looks like you used the wrong ones in some places. In my opinion, the path is too small also at that one area, where it looks like it's 2 tiles in width only. Maybe make it at least 1 tile wider?

-I don't think the statue looks great there, and the tile you used under it looks bad with the other types of tiles you used on your map.(doesn't blend well)

-The pipe along the building looks kinda funny where it is, as well as the placement of the lights. (most lights)

-The map seems kinda bland/ empty, mostly because it's not done yet I'm sure.

It's just my opinion, and I understand it's unfinished, so you were probably going to get to fixing that stuff anyways. I'm not trying to pick awat at your work btw, just giving you some honest feedback. Goodluck with the map, I'd like to see the finished result! =D

EO Resources/Guides: â—„ eobud.boards.net â–º
10 years, 20 weeks ago
Post #196151 Re: Weird Town Map - First Time Mapping in 2 years

Sorry, but if i'm being honest, it looks quite bad.

Here's some more criticism, 

You shouldn't have three different building types. A couple of different variations in buildings are fine here and there, but this just looks awful. 

One building is all sorts of messed up, it looks like a science experiment gone wrong. the door doesn't fit the rest of the building, and nor does the top of the building.

The grass looks horrendous and it just appears there. 

The "roof" in the middle of the town doesn't fit there, it's too bright and the town it too dark. 

The brick ground that covers most the town looks bad as well, (not pixel wise, just looks like it shouldn't be there)

You have a lot of work to do.

10 years, 20 weeks ago
Post #196152 Re: Weird Town Map - First Time Mapping in 2 years

Hey man these are pretty good

EOServ Class: Main Player, Mapping Artist, Oldbie
10 years, 20 weeks ago
Post #196156 Re: Weird Town Map - First Time Mapping in 2 years

Thanks guys! Gave me a lot to think about!

Here is the new version of the map (version v.2 lol)

Still not finished and I plan on expanding it.

Don't worry, be happy.-Bobby McFerrin
10 years, 20 weeks ago
Post #196158 Re: Weird Town Map - First Time Mapping in 2 years

It looks alot better than before, but there is still alot of stuff that looks out of place. Here's what I think would make it look much better.                                                           

-That 2 tile wide path is still bugging the hell out of me!! D; Fix it and it will look much better!                

-Try to make most objects you use, more randomly placed to give it a more natural/better look, instead of looking like someone placed it there. (If you get what  I mean..)    

-Some trees/objects you placed look poorly placed (Like the two trees beside that bench + all flowers at the staircase warp area.)  

-The bottom left corner of your map looks a little too big/out of place how it is currently/If you planned on  putting warps there.     

-The water detail doesn't look too great, either add more detail, and place it better, or remove all, and it will look decent.

-The two vendors near the top of the map isn't a great place for them.

-The light that is semi behind the church, shouldn't be there. It looks too hidden/ out of place. The pipe doesn't look good with that building. (Looks better without) 

-The sandbox you got near the top right corner, seems a little too out of place for that map/area.                

EO Resources/Guides: â—„ eobud.boards.net â–º
10 years, 19 weeks ago
Post #196159 Re: Weird Town Map - First Time Mapping in 2 years

some feedback based on the layout?   hmmmm

i would say the layout is fine.. its the GFX thats holding you back.

Dont take this the wrong way. But these days it is hard to impress anyone with a map..mapped with orig eo gfx.

there is  not enough thyme based tiles!


Think Outside The Box.

..............Skids in my Undies........
...............Cut And Paste............
10 years, 19 weeks ago
Post #196161 Re: Weird Town Map - First Time Mapping in 2 years
make posted: (9th Nov 2014, 05:07 pm)

some feedback based on the layout?   hmmmm

i would say the layout is fine.. its the GFX thats holding you back.

Dont take this the wrong way. But these days it is hard to impress anyone with a map..mapped with orig eo gfx.

there is  not enough thyme based tiles!


Dude I somehow knew you were gonna say something like that right when I read that you replied. You're right.


Thanks for the feedback everyone. This is the final version of the map:

And if anybody likes this map and wants to use it for my server...you can buy it from me, for free! Download it from here: http://gotlinks.co/4HqN but you have to fill out a survey or do an offer so the site will give me like 75 cents ;)

Don't worry, be happy.-Bobby McFerrin
10 years, 19 weeks ago
Post #196163 Re: Weird Town Map - First Time Mapping in 2 years

Add shadows, 

Fix that "underwater "building, I suggest getting rid of it because it doesn't belong there, roof and all.

little details i noticed after a quick glance

10 years, 19 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > Artists > Weird Town Map - First Time Mapping in 2 years