EOSERV Forum > Artists > Royal Suit/Dress (Free)
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Royal Suit/Dress (Free)
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Post #196147 Royal Suit/Dress (Free)

Hey there! Just thought it'd share this armor with everyone, cause... well. I don't have a use for it!
Also, if you don't like it that's fine, just don't download it. I know my pixelling skills aren't great, so I understand.

Anyway, it's free content. Use it whenever, wherever and however you want. Just don't claim it as your own. That's stupid.

Image Royal Suit

Image Royal Dress

You gotta cut the sheets yourself, by the way. I ain't doing that shit, I did all the hard work.

Download link:

Again, apologies for shitty content.

"Nurd, you're like a fucking swiss army knife" - Necrosis
10 years, 20 weeks ago
Post #196153 Re: Royal Suit/Dress (Free)

These kind of look too basic like the the normal ones but nice detail

EOServ Class: Main Player, Mapping Artist, Oldbie
10 years, 20 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > Artists > Royal Suit/Dress (Free)