EOSERV Forum > Artists > Pants Pixel - C&C?
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Pants Pixel - C&C?
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Post #195979 Pants Pixel - C&C?

It's been a while since I've actually posted a pixel to the EOSERV forums. I feel like I've improved since I last have, anyway. I've been using BU's sprites, Graphicsgale and Stava's guides on Pixelsource to learn more, and I've somewhat ended up with this...

Can you think of a name for this?

Also, C&C if you will. It helps me to improve :^)

"Nurd, you're like a fucking swiss army knife" - Necrosis
10 years, 30 weeks ago
Post #195985 Re: Pants Pixel - C&C?

I like it,though looks really familiar like the "Ozhan" from EE.

But I like it, needs more color though

10 years, 30 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > Artists > Pants Pixel - C&C?