Joined: 14th Jul 2011
Posts: 76
Working on a new server, It's been a year or so,I thought I'd give it another shot since I'm FREE! :D
This is one of my first released GUI"s I made from scratch, I still have someone else's custom GUI that I put on my client a while ago,
It's not 100% finished, i still have to redo the "logo" on the back ground, change some of the icons to match with the client and some other pop up boxes.
This is what I have so far, and Id thought i would share, keep in mind that this is not the greatest sexiest guis, and it's my first real attempt at a gui in over a year.

10 years, 44 weeks ago

Joined: 26th Feb 2013
Posts: 210
Re: New GUI
You're doing better then what I could do when I started.
1. When using photoshop, try searching as many photoshop guides as you can.
2. Don't steal FE's graphics for your ingame stuff because that's a real turn off. (not trying to be rude)
3. Don't use to much bevel because it can look cheesy.
4. When putting a picture on your background make sure it's a .png render before adding it so you don't get that ugly black ring.
5. Stay away from really vibrant colors like Neon colors.
6. Try using inner glows
Good luck in your future artwork :)
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10 years, 43 weeks ago
Joined: 14th Jul 2011
Posts: 76
Re: New GUI
Ariel posted: (23rd May 2014, 11:34 pm)
You're doing better then what I could do when I started.
1. When using photoshop, try searching as many photoshop guides as you can.
2. Don't steal FE's graphics for your ingame stuff because that's a real turn off. (not trying to be rude)
3. Don't use to much bevel because it can look cheesy.
4. When putting a picture on your background make sure it's a .png render before adding it so you don't get that ugly black ring.
5. Stay away from really vibrant colors like Neon colors.
6. Try using inner glows
Good luck in your future artwork :)
I took a photoshop class for one semester, :D, I didn't like the emboss that much either, so I have been changing the Gfx slowly, It's really hard to make good looking GUI for EO, because some of the stuff I import to Res Hacker.
Also, Because I started up my old project I had some the old FE items, which I have completely started from scratch and i'm adding in Free to Use stuff from Eoserv, and Custom artwork from my self and relieves, plus I wouldn't say that most of Ele's stuff is his seeing he got some of the items
off eoserv as well. But it's not a problem :)
Thanks for the C&C Really appreciate it :D I hope nothing for the best for my project!
Edit; There is black around The "advrid Online" because it was originally glowing. I saved it as a "picture" in gui 1.
10 years, 43 weeks ago
Joined: 9th Jul 2012
Posts: 5
Re: New GUI
10 years, 41 weeks ago
I am looking for a pixel artist for client mind working for me? i am creating a server
10 years, 40 weeks ago
Joined: 14th Jul 2011
Posts: 76
Re: New GUI
added my new GUI
I ended up redoing it, The wood is not mine, it's apart of a free to use GUI that Death made, but I didn't want a common gui so I added my own touch to it, The text bars, friend and Foe Icons, Pillars / Vines , and bushes are all mine, pretty much everything but the wood. lol
And I'm working on my own server at the moment, but I would be more than glad to help you.
10 years, 38 weeks ago
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