
Joined: 31st Mar 2013
Posts: 3
Sevs maps
Hey guys, I've been a mapper for a long time now and it's time to show what I can do :)
I hope there's still people in this forum willing to comment and tell me whats wrong, so here it is!
There are two maps that connect each other so I'm going to show you the first path

here is the second map I made which took a while :)

These maps aren't for monsters, they're for us xD
I wonder if I should use it or release it? Cause I really like these maps, I feel like I need to complete a whole kingdom with these xD
Anyways, it's what I do, I make maps or improve them in different servers.
Feel free to comment :) ---
An offline world that comes online every once in a while.
10 years, 51 weeks ago
Re: Sevs maps
All looks good but two things. First, the bushes or what ever by the water I'd say should go in the water not on the side. Second, To many tree's on the first map I find, it almost looks to crowded. Other then that all looks good, keep going at it!
10 years, 51 weeks ago

Joined: 31st Mar 2013
Posts: 3
Re: Sevs maps
Eterniity posted: (29th Mar 2014, 08:24 pm)
All looks good but two things. First, the bushes or what ever by the water I'd say should go in the water not on the side. Second, To many tree's on the first map I find, it almost looks to crowded. Other then that all looks good, keep going at it!
In the water? I guess they are meant to be in the water xD
The first map is supposed to be crowded by trees, I guess I didn't put them in properly cause I kind of rushed it.
Anyways, thanks for letting me know and I'll improve :b ---
An offline world that comes online every once in a while.
10 years, 51 weeks ago

Joined: 11th Jun 2012
Posts: 528
Re: Sevs maps
I agree with it looking a bit cluttered; but, considering that a player's perspective is zoomed-in during gameplay, might not be that noticeable anyways. :P ---
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its
whole life believing that it is stupid.†- Albert Einstein
Owner of the original Culio PK - PK Worldz
10 years, 50 weeks ago
Re: Sevs maps
1st one 8/10
[-1]great but a little bit too much brown (mushrooms) maybe you can get rid of a few and add some sort of smaller mushrooms in random places.
[-1]Path looks a bit messed up. I like that you tried making it random but I don't think that's the quite perfect shape yet ;)
2nd one 1st part
[-1] I think a few of the trees could be sorted in different orders, like the ones on the right side near the house (3 small trees) maybe you can use a shrub gfx instead
2nd one 2nd part
[-1] I feel the path curving around the sandbox excludes the other side of the map making you feel like there's no point of going there making it feel wasted. You know what I mean? it makes you feel unwelcome. there is nothing to do there on that side. something makes me feel that I should
[-1] that hill tile doesnt look like a hill especially because there's a tree placed right where the inclination would be.
I not hacker
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its
whole life believing that it is stupid.†- Albert Einstein : Really Great Quote Ramy!
10 years, 48 weeks ago

Joined: 12th Jan 2012
Posts: 1234
Re: Sevs maps
Maps are interesting. One thing I'd say is to add some elevation. These maps seems a little flat, and people aren't much fans of flat.
I don't mind the whole idea of the place being clustered with tree's. It shows this area is in a forest-type area, so it has a nice feel to it.
By releasing these maps, do you mean giving them out to the public for free, or releasing a server, containing these maps? Either way, it's not much of a question for us to answer - It's completely up to you. If you plan to give them to the public, however, I would
make a large amount of maps and then release them as a package, rather than 1 map at a time.
I will say this - Seeing my maps in a server is a nice sight to have. At least, thats how I felt. If I explored servers and they had one or two of the maps that I made, that I released to people I would feel good about it.
Also, download emf2png. It's a program that allows you to take a snapshot of the entire map, instead of you having to take screenshots of every area. :P ---
"Nurd, you're like a fucking swiss army knife" - Necrosis
10 years, 44 weeks ago
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