EOSERV Forum > Artists > I need a few graphics
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I need a few graphics
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Post #195554 I need a few graphics

Im working on a game for my daughter she is 4 so its a very simple game called capture the blocks.I'm trying to get her ready to go to school and learn how to use the computer any way youll proll laugh at my attempts!

What I need:

448 x 64 bmp for my blocks

a couple play and exit buttons mine are 72 x 56 you can do what ever looks good!

an intro screen 640 x 480

main game screen 640 x 480

The 2 pink columns are for blocks coming in and blocks that got hit!

Thanks for any help I want this to be fun for her but with gfx like that >.<!

11 years, 6 hours ago
Post #195570 Re: I need a few graphics

Hey insomniac, you probably don't remember me, but you helped me out a long time ago here. If you still need help, I could try if you want, when I get the chance!

If you could give me more details about how you would like everything to look, and preferred colors, it would be a little easier for me to work with. The more details the better! =d

Reply back here, or private message me if you would like help still!

EO Resources/Guides: â—„ eobud.boards.net â–º
10 years, 48 weeks ago
Post #195574 Re: I need a few graphics

that font looks scary! because of the pointy edges on the letters

I not hacker

“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its
whole life believing that it is stupid.” - Albert Einstein : Really Great Quote Ramy!
10 years, 48 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > Artists > I need a few graphics