EOSERV Forum > Artists > My EO sprites
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My EO sprites
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Post #195531 My EO sprites

Decided to try and pixel a remake of EO sprite, this is the outcome  (used EOmain haircuts)

eye fix attempts

No, they're not the same, compare:

Some mugshots too

11 years, 3 weeks ago
Post #195532 Re: My EO sprites

Cool, awesome job Steva!

11 years, 3 weeks ago
Post #195533 Re: My EO sprites

When you first posted it i had a feeling something was wrong with the eyes i think attempt #4 is a close fix but still looks odd. Im thinking its the shade of the face its self. Maybe there needs to be a slightly darker shade separating the forehead from the lower part of the head, the chin. 

11 years, 3 weeks ago
Post #195535 Re: My EO sprites

Pretty hawt. Nice work, Stava. n_n

I also felt as though something was slightly off with the eyes. Fix attempt number four looks much nicer, in my opinion.

Was this just something you did for the heck of it, or are you planning on actually finishing up the character sprites with animations and everything? 

I'm fairly decent at spriting, in my own opinion, but I still suck at animation...which kind of bums me out since I'm a programmer and am actively pursuing game development. xD

I just wish I could do it all by myself, but then again that would be a ridiculous amount of work. q_q

I suppose I'll just have to work harder on that or hire somebody better than me to get the job done.  e_e

Anyway, I'd love to see more of you work. Thank you for sharing. n_n

11 years, 3 weeks ago
Post #195537 Re: My EO sprites

Im realy digging the mug shots man! Very Nice...Very Nice...


Think Outside The Box.

..............Skids in my Undies........
...............Cut And Paste............
11 years, 2 weeks ago
Post #195562 Re: My EO sprites

Awesome stuff, I think you should make this ;)

"Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive."
10 years, 50 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > Artists > My EO sprites