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EO Sky Wonder
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Post #195514 EO Sky Wonder

This is how I imagine that Sky Wonder on EO Main should have been made, rather than having the white all around. This would give you the image that you truly are high up in the sky.

(This is also without too much detail, it was just made to show the main thing of how it should seem you were actually in the sky).

11 years, 4 weeks ago
Post #195518 Re: EO Sky Wonder

very nice conceptual art.

i agree with what you think. i thought along the same lines. but with npc cloads slowly moveng around with the view of the world underneath you.

eo needed more visaul stuff/detail for the eyes. i think the quest system needed it the most.

its nice to still see idea's/maps and conceptual art posted here on eoserv.

Think Outside The Box.

..............Skids in my Undies........
...............Cut And Paste............
11 years, 4 weeks ago
Post #195520 Re: EO Sky Wonder

Yeah I always thought the same thing. You see those tiny houses in the map editor and you just gotta think they were made exactly for something like this.

Tire me.
11 years, 4 weeks ago
Post #195522 Re: EO Sky Wonder

I always thought the tiny towns and stuff were meant for traveling

like in some rpgs

11 years, 3 weeks ago
Post #195523 Re: EO Sky Wonder
stava posted: (28th Feb 2014, 07:39 pm)

I always thought the tiny towns and stuff were meant for traveling

like in some rpgs

because Endless was meant to be the "poor mans Dark Ages" the mini map elements were intended to show a world map when you traveled by boat or great distances  but like so many other things with EO it never got finished

in Dark ages when you leave a town or board a boat the world map shows up you are given highlighted click able locations on the map and it takes you there

going on a boat or using special magics or calling upon gods let you travel to completely different parts of the world

Graphic Artist/pixel artist
( = ̄ェ ̄= )ノ "A Good person can make your day but a bad person can ruin your life~"
11 years, 3 weeks ago
Post #195524 Re: EO Sky Wonder
make posted: (27th Feb 2014, 09:16 am)

very nice conceptual art.

i agree with what you think. i thought along the same lines. but with npc cloads slowly moveng around with the view of the world underneath you.

eo needed more visaul stuff/detail for the eyes. i think the quest system needed it the most.

its nice to still see idea's/maps and conceptual art posted here on eoserv.

Thanks. :p 

Yeah, I agree that it needed more visual things. It also would have been nice to have better staircase things and such for that same thing.

And I actually used those miniature objects and tiles to create a world map for my maps. xP

Also never knew that about what they were intended for. Never have actually played Dark Ages. Interesting though. :o

11 years, 3 weeks ago
Post #195526 Re: EO Sky Wonder

i always thought the houses was for a mini Army map.

but still a very nice way of doing it.

stairs huh. hmmm

i went along the same lines with a world map like dark ages. I used des's emf to png then resized each in paint. then pasted a world "map" object together."something to view in Game "


i dont think i have seen a eo Pserver use any in game world map yet.

Has one?

Think Outside The Box.

..............Skids in my Undies........
...............Cut And Paste............
11 years, 3 weeks ago
Post #195527 Re: EO Sky Wonder

I don't believe there's ever actually been any in-game map like that before, actually. But that's a really nice map you have there. How many maps did you have to put together to do that? o_o

This is the mini map I made using those a while back. Just got really bored one day and decided to build a world from this.

11 years, 3 weeks ago
Post #195538 Re: EO Sky Wonder

@acemasta 32 maps in the screenshot . ingame it looks alot better as ground tiles.

the beta one i use is a large gfx object tile.

Think Outside The Box.

..............Skids in my Undies........
...............Cut And Paste............
11 years, 2 weeks ago
Post #195539 Re: EO Sky Wonder
make posted: (9th Mar 2014, 03:11 am)

@acemasta 32 maps in the screenshot . ingame it looks alot better as ground tiles.

the beta one i use is a large gfx object tile.

That's sweet
Tire me.
11 years, 2 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > Artists > EO Sky Wonder