That's a lot of information on pointers, however I would recommend watching a video on pointers first. Then later once you get a basic understanding of pointers readi up on that article to clarify remaining questions.
This is a great video to watch;
I'd rather watch a video or be in a classroom being taught by a teacher rather than reading a block of text. That's just me though. :P
ALSO; Here is a personal tip from me. If you're new to programming and you're already trying to get into pointers I would recommend learning and mastering the basic concepts first (IF's, ELSE's, CLASSES, NAMESPACES, ETC). Because if you want to master pointers you should have mastered
CLASSES. I've been using C++ as my main programming language for over 4 years and I still come across things that confuse me on a daily basis (of course not as bad when I started).
Once you're good with pointers research "Polymorphism or polymorphic classes".
I forgot what I was going to write...