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Time to expose the ddosers
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Post #194138 Time to expose the ddosers

This is all 100% true

The persons who are ddosing all servers as well as eoserv are as follows

Cubanlink, aka Tyrant, aka Tyler he uses bot net and vdos.net his attacks will range from 600k pps to 1.6m pps

Jamz, aka James, he also used vdos and hits with about 250k-350k pps

Expensive, aka Marcos he uses a weak booter 80k pps to 150k pps

Thx jimmy for reminding me you are also doing this using vdos.net and your attack is 250-350k pps.

Basically i have been told bu will never be up again by tyrant, he plans to spend his entire life ddosing it.

Call me a rat call me what you will, but it is due time these assholes are exposed to everyone.

Ty all and have a nice day!

11 years, 40 weeks ago
Post #194139 Re: Time to expose the ddosers

I remember when I went outside.

11 years, 40 weeks ago
Post #194140 Re: Time to expose the ddosers

R.I.P bones underground 2009-2013

edit: bone r u stupid lol i dont even have vdoss.net, but if i did u would kno

CN:BH 4 lyfe
11 years, 40 weeks ago
Post #194141 Re: Time to expose the ddosers
MitchV2 posted: (12th Jun 2013, 06:43 pm)

I remember when I went outside.

You have a good memory.
Don't worry, be happy.-Bobby McFerrin
11 years, 40 weeks ago
Post #194142 Re: Time to expose the ddosers

A member of your team is ddosing you? Then I wouldn't expect anything less. It's about time you stop negotiating with them your server might have a bit more uptime but your players are abused so I hear which is worse. And doing so you start loosing your credibility.

11 years, 40 weeks ago
Post #194144 Re: Time to expose the ddosers
jimmy posted: (12th Jun 2013, 06:46 pm)

R.I.P bones underground 2009-2013

edit: bone r u stupid lol i dont even have vdoss.net, but if i did u would kno

Just like you don't hack players, you don't set up fake servers to phish passwords, you don't auto, ya right you don't do you.

You are a complete scumbag jimmy right along side everyone listed here, you stole insoms account, you stole andrew bobs account, then you posed as them and sent out keyloggers and shit, ya your a real winner their buddy. Exposed.

11 years, 40 weeks ago
Post #194145 Re: Time to expose the ddosers
bone posted: (12th Jun 2013, 07:37 pm)

jimmy posted: (12th Jun 2013, 06:46 pm)

R.I.P bones underground 2009-2013

edit: bone r u stupid lol i dont even have vdoss.net, but if i did u would kno

Just like you don't hack players, you don't set up fake servers to phish passwords, you don't auto, ya right you don't do you.

You are a complete scumbag jimmy right along side everyone listed here, you stole insoms account, you stole andrew bobs account, then you posed as them and sent out keyloggers and shit, ya your a real winner their buddy. Exposed.

LOL i do all the above, i think everyone knows that now a days. I don't understand how you think i hacked andrew, cause that statements false due to the fact he is my partner in crime. Anyways, bone its funny honestly i heard your website got suspended LOL u got owned. I promise you though, if BU comes back up from tyrant stopping or whoever is doing it i'll make sure to put your ip on my auto rebooter and watch you cry 24/7 about your website and server being down. Cry some more biatchhhhhhhhhhhhhh
CN:BH 4 lyfe
11 years, 40 weeks ago
Post #194146 Re: Time to expose the ddosers

Wow jimmy now you just went to my website and tried to get a password change now you wanna steal my website, didn't like the lil scumbag remarks i take it, wow what a fucking total loser you are buddy.

11 years, 40 weeks ago
Post #194147 Re: Time to expose the ddosers
bone posted: (12th Jun 2013, 07:49 pm)

Wow jimmy now you just went to my website and tried to get a password change now you wanna steal my website, didn't like the lil scumbag remarks i take it, wow what a fucking total loser you are buddy.

LOOL i did that like 20 minutes ago
CN:BH 4 lyfe
11 years, 40 weeks ago
Post #194148 Re: Time to expose the ddosers

I gave you an alternative bone but you've ignored me. I can't help you.

11 years, 40 weeks ago
Post #194150 Re: Time to expose the ddosers

I already pointed out that Jimmy (told me himself) that hes the one DDoSing EE and FE.

I also gave bone an option but I don't know what he did with it

"Nurd, you're like a fucking swiss army knife" - Necrosis
11 years, 40 weeks ago
Post #194151 Re: Time to expose the ddosers
Nurd posted: (12th Jun 2013, 07:54 pm)

I already pointed out that Jimmy (told me himself) that hes the one DDoSing EE and FE.

I also gave an option but I don't know what he did with it

You're wrong, i haven't DDOSed FE because my booter wont hit it offline since its shit. I DDOS EO though ;)
CN:BH 4 lyfe
11 years, 40 weeks ago
Post #194152 Re: Time to expose the ddosers

Could you report this to their mothers?!

Wish upon a star!
11 years, 40 weeks ago
Post #194153 Re: Time to expose the ddosers
Plasmastar posted: (12th Jun 2013, 08:21 pm)

Could you report this to their mothers?!

pls dont :( oh wait my mom already knows i do it LOL shes like *smh* dont get caught
CN:BH 4 lyfe
11 years, 40 weeks ago
Post #194154 Re: Time to expose the ddosers

Figures he would still live at home with his mom, lol get used to that. That will be your life story little jimmy. Pornos and attacking 2d servers lmao, if this isnt the epitomy of loser idk what is.

11 years, 40 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > Lounge > Time to expose the ddosers