EOSERV Forum > Lounge > Random [I gave you warning]
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Random [I gave you warning]
Author Message
Post #193376 Random [I gave you warning]

This post is dead :l. Ananananananana, delete it :B

Something I do instead of sleeping
11 years, 16 weeks ago
Post #193378 Re: Random [I gave you warning]

Please turn the tap on

11 years, 16 weeks ago
Post #193379 Re: Random [I gave you warning]


Insomniac:I like how in the lounges forum description sausage says "Bitches go crazy." and that's
exactly what you do!
Pixel artist | Mapping artist | Alternative artist | Heavenly Karma | oldbie | top 50  |
Attention whore | main player |
11 years, 16 weeks ago
Post #193380 Re: Random [I gave you warning]

i don't like cats. . . when you turn on the water make it hot.

11 years, 16 weeks ago
Post #193409 Re: Random [I gave you warning]

Rule 2.5: Do not edit your posts in an attempt to delete them.

It would be nice if people actually followed some rules.. even if they aren't enforced any longer.

11 years, 16 weeks ago
Post #193413 Re: Random [I gave you warning]

Instead of deleting it, I locked it. You know, cuz I'm a badass.

"Pineapples and shit."
11 years, 16 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > Lounge > Random [I gave you warning]