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Xbox One
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Post #192994 Xbox One

What do you think of it?

The black spray painted brick on the far left is Kinect.

'''â–²   The Lightning 'â–²'
â–² â–²     Warrior    â–² â–²

EOServ Classes: Forum Ghost, Kalandra II; Mapping Artist; Heavenly Karma
11 years, 44 weeks ago
Post #192995 Re: Xbox One

Xbox One looks wonderful for the most part. I think in the end the whole "All games must be installed" will be it's downfall, but it's obviously flashed a huge middle finger to the mediocre Playstation 4.

King of all Orcs!
11 years, 44 weeks ago
Post #192997 Re: Xbox One

Also, i forgot to post this. For some reason, it went way down during the conference.

'''â–²   The Lightning 'â–²'
â–² â–²     Warrior    â–² â–²

EOServ Classes: Forum Ghost, Kalandra II; Mapping Artist; Heavenly Karma
11 years, 44 weeks ago
Post #192998 Re: Xbox One

do not

i repeat DO NOT insult the kinect!

i lost 26 pounds playing that shit, it really works.

Anyways back ontopic.

is that xbox 720? just looks like a cablebox o.o;

all games r gonna need to be installed?

i heard there games r gonna be downloadables, u wont even be physicaly buying games anymore for it. sucks for gamestop xD

i want ps3-4 i like xbox but ive always ben a playstation person.

Insomniac:I like how in the lounges forum description sausage says "Bitches go crazy." and that's
exactly what you do!
Pixel artist | Mapping artist | Alternative artist | Heavenly Karma | oldbie | top 50  |
Attention whore | main player |
11 years, 44 weeks ago
Post #192999 Re: Xbox One

Can't make up shit about it when it's not even fully released yet. Looks cool at least.

11 years, 44 weeks ago
Post #193000 Re: Xbox One

I honestly want to get the Xbox One. Looks pretty cool, and I expect good things from it (mainly new Halo games).

You're all fags.
11 years, 44 weeks ago
Post #193001 Re: Xbox One
Moonie posted: (21st May 2013, 07:10 pm)

do not

i repeat DO NOT insult the kinect!

i lost 26 pounds playing that shit, it really works.

Anyways back ontopic.

is that xbox 720? just looks like a cablebox o.o;

all games r gonna need to be installed?

i heard there games r gonna be downloadables, u wont even be physicaly buying games anymore for it. sucks for gamestop xD

i want ps3-4 i like xbox but ive always ben a playstation person.

i didn't insult the kinect, i like how it works, but it seriously looks like a brick with black paint. xD
'''â–²   The Lightning 'â–²'
â–² â–²     Warrior    â–² â–²

EOServ Classes: Forum Ghost, Kalandra II; Mapping Artist; Heavenly Karma
11 years, 44 weeks ago
Post #193003 Re: Xbox One
xElectricZz posted: (21st May 2013, 08:05 pm)

Moonie posted: (21st May 2013, 07:10 pm)

do not

i repeat DO NOT insult the kinect!

i lost 26 pounds playing that shit, it really works.

Anyways back ontopic.

is that xbox 720? just looks like a cablebox o.o;

all games r gonna need to be installed?

i heard there games r gonna be downloadables, u wont even be physicaly buying games anymore for it. sucks for gamestop xD

i want ps3-4 i like xbox but ive always ben a playstation person.

i didn't insult the kinect, i like how it works, but it seriously looks like a brick with black paint. xD

ok yea it does xD

maybe it has better sensors now, i know before the kinect following ur movements was a bit choppy, hope they fixed it! im a huge kinect fan.

Insomniac:I like how in the lounges forum description sausage says "Bitches go crazy." and that's
exactly what you do!
Pixel artist | Mapping artist | Alternative artist | Heavenly Karma | oldbie | top 50  |
Attention whore | main player |
11 years, 44 weeks ago
Post #193004 Re: Xbox One

Wait until E3 when PS4 and Xbox One show more basically it's preference over anything same as the PS3 and Xbox 360 fan boys will be fan boys

"Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive."
11 years, 44 weeks ago
Post #193008 Re: Xbox One

I'm probably not going to get the new Xbox until I try it out for myself at a friend's or something :x I like to buy used games since I don't have a lot of money to spend on them, and how will people without internet be able to download games??? lol

“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its
whole life believing that it is stupid.” - Albert Einstein

Owner of the original Culio PK - PK Worldz
11 years, 44 weeks ago
Post #193011 Re: Xbox One

I am pretty excited to see more. Primarily for smartmatch. Now I won't have a beginner on my team or an extreme try hard, which will bring enjoyment back to the games, less rage.  Also I LOVE the reality integration within the games. If they push GTA 5's release date back further for the Xbox One release ill be upset, Ive had this game pre ordered since March and am so anxious.

11 years, 44 weeks ago
Post #193012 Re: Xbox One

Don't know where you got the only downloadable games from but there will still be discs and you will be able to buy second hand games. When you first insert the disc you install the game and you can put it onto the cloud. This means that you will be able to play your friends games (apparently) if you log on to their cloud account. Second hand games work by when you install the second hand game on your xbox it will delete it from the original owners system. 

Don't hate me if i'm wrong this is just what i've heard and gathered from the reveal stream. 

Lol did some PS3 fanboy/girl go around and -1 peoples posts (i fixed it for you guys)

11 years, 44 weeks ago
Post #193016 Re: Xbox One

That looks horrible.

11 years, 44 weeks ago
Post #193025 Re: Xbox One
Moonie posted: (21st May 2013, 07:10 pm)

do not

i repeat DO NOT insult the kinect!

i lost 26 pounds playing that shit, it really works.

Anyways back ontopic.

is that xbox 720? just looks like a cablebox o.o;

all games r gonna need to be installed?

i heard there games r gonna be downloadables, u wont even be physicaly buying games anymore for it. sucks for gamestop xD

i want ps3-4 i like xbox but ive always ben a playstation person.

only reason you lost pounds is because you play it 24/7 and probobally are a bit over weight, i know alot of people who play the kinect 9 hours a day and are 130 lb's and don't loose any weight. . . . and yes i've watched them they put forth full effort.
11 years, 43 weeks ago
Post #193041 Re: Xbox One
Takeabongtoke posted: (22nd May 2013, 12:57 am)

Moonie posted: (21st May 2013, 07:10 pm)

do not

i repeat DO NOT insult the kinect!

i lost 26 pounds playing that shit, it really works.

Anyways back ontopic.

is that xbox 720? just looks like a cablebox o.o;

all games r gonna need to be installed?

i heard there games r gonna be downloadables, u wont even be physicaly buying games anymore for it. sucks for gamestop xD

i want ps3-4 i like xbox but ive always ben a playstation person.

only reason you lost pounds is because you play it 24/7 and probobally are a bit over weight, i know alot of people who play the kinect 9 hours a day and are 130 lb's and don't loose any weight. . . . and yes i've watched them they put forth full effort.

Weightloss is different for everyone, and a lot of personal stuff factors in. 130lb isn't a lot of weight, even if it appears that way due to sitting differently on someone shorter or taller.. There are 'bridge' periods where a person can't lose weight even when working out/dieting, but that passes if you continue your routine. To say it worked for one and not for others for such reasons is kinda silly. At the end of the day, it's still a work out. So maybe your friends aren't eating properly or something else is factoring into it. Because if they are working like you say they are, then they would be losing.

Imo, it's still SOME excersize regardless of method, but if you have 9hrs a day to spend on a game, you may as well hit the gym and do it properly. If not, that says something to me about the commitment level to the person to actually losing. And if the commitment isn't there, then that's why your friends didn't lose weight..

All great things have battle scars.
11 years, 43 weeks ago
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