EOSERV Forum > Lounge > Question?
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Post #192904 Question?

I have a question? I have a website and all(Free using Webs) And Only way I can let people download it is threw Media fire, But for me to upload to Media fire have to make it a .rar file, and then they need WinRAR to extract it. Is there anyway I can make it so they just download the folder to there desktop not needing WinRAR to extract?

Never ever give up, just keep at it you'll get it!
11 years, 44 weeks ago
Post #192905 Re: Question?

Try this, it might work.


11 years, 44 weeks ago
Post #192906 Re: Question?

Use sfx archive 

Remember when is not an organization nor a fucking group , it's simply an idea that we believe in
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The priority of Remember when should come before oxygen , as oxygen is cosmetic even life itself is
cosmetic,that's why offer our worthless lives to The "Remember when"
11 years, 44 weeks ago
Post #192908 Re: Question?

If those don't work theres always click team install creator


11 years, 44 weeks ago
Post #192909 Re: Question?
weedindeed posted: (20th May 2013, 06:44 pm)

Use sfx archive 

This works. But I think anyone who doesn't already have WinRar in the first place, should just get off the internet...
Wish upon a star!
11 years, 44 weeks ago
Post #192911 Re: Question?

True most endless online players have winrar because every server needs it.

11 years, 44 weeks ago
Post #192919 Re: Question?

Most people have winrar because they have downloaded something that requires it, doubt it was simply because they play private servers. If it is then I feel sorry for them... I really do.

11 years, 44 weeks ago
Post #192926 Re: Question?

Or you can just pack it in a zip since windows natively reads zip files, not sure if all versions do though.

But really, they should have winrar already installed.

Andrewbob - I would be on the fucking copter of rofls

Programmer, Web Developer, and Graphics Designer
11 years, 44 weeks ago
Post #192950 Re: Question?
Wildsurvival posted: (20th May 2013, 10:12 pm)

Or you can just pack it in a zip since windows natively reads zip files, not sure if all versions do though.

But really, they should have winrar already installed.

Windows XP and up, I believe, have native Zip support.
Wish upon a star!
11 years, 44 weeks ago
Post #192953 Re: Question?
Plasmastar posted: (21st May 2013, 12:54 am)

Wildsurvival posted: (20th May 2013, 10:12 pm)

Or you can just pack it in a zip since windows natively reads zip files, not sure if all versions do though.

But really, they should have winrar already installed.

Windows XP and up, I believe, have native Zip support.
Thought so, thanks for confirming.

Andrewbob - I would be on the fucking copter of rofls

Programmer, Web Developer, and Graphics Designer
11 years, 44 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > Lounge > Question?