EOSERV Forum > Lounge > The truth
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The truth
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Post #192897 The truth

All servers are now being attacked with amped up botnets, this is producing 500 - 600k packets per second ddos attacks. This is well over our paid ddos protections. In order to defend these attacks were looking at about 800$ per month, wich is really out of reach for most these tiny private servers. This is only gonna become larger and more frequent. DDoS attacks have increased by more than 50% across the net in the last 3 yrs. All tiny game server that dont generate alot of cash will be a thing of the past. If you are one being attacked, i suggest not ever giving in to their demands, all this will do is create more assholes who will emulate this behaviour. I know the 2 ppl who have been doing this for the past week to the eoserv servers, however i will not even give the satisfaction of letting their names be known. Lets just call them the scumbags of the earth lol. In conclusion, i was never one to give up very easy wich is why bu is still here after 3 yrs 3 months, so rest assured i will do my best to keep this server alive.

11 years, 44 weeks ago
Post #192898 Re: The truth

Yeah, the best thing to do is not to fall for their demands, otherwise they are gonna do it more and more.
but i wonder who does these attacks, i mean fe,bu and edge in total don't have more than 60 players usually so who would waste his time and effort (or even his money) to ddos them.

Remember when is not an organization nor a fucking group , it's simply an idea that we believe in
and live for.
The priority of Remember when should come before oxygen , as oxygen is cosmetic even life itself is
cosmetic,that's why offer our worthless lives to The "Remember when"
11 years, 44 weeks ago
Post #192899 Re: The truth

Only thing I like about it is, Rakuhana now being DDoS'd. Such badasses.

Wish upon a star!
11 years, 44 weeks ago
Post #192900 Re: The truth
weedindeed posted: (20th May 2013, 05:44 pm)

Yeah, the best thing to do is not to fall for their demands, otherwise they are gonna do it more and more.
but i wonder who does these attacks, i mean fe,bu and edge in total don't have more than 60 players usually so who would waste his time and effort (or even his money) to ddos them.

I think they're not just wasting their time and effort on it.

They're doing it for lols and stuffs.

11 years, 44 weeks ago
Post #192901 Re: The truth
Plasmastar posted: (20th May 2013, 05:53 pm)

Only thing I like about it is, Rakuhana now being DDoS'd. Such badasses.

ok now ddosing Rakuhana is fucking funny.
Insomniac:I like how in the lounges forum description sausage says "Bitches go crazy." and that's
exactly what you do!
Pixel artist | Mapping artist | Alternative artist | Heavenly Karma | oldbie | top 50  |
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11 years, 44 weeks ago
Post #192902 Re: The truth
Moonie posted: (20th May 2013, 06:09 pm)

Plasmastar posted: (20th May 2013, 05:53 pm)

Only thing I like about it is, Rakuhana now being DDoS'd. Such badasses.

ok now ddosing Rakuhana is fucking funny.

I don`t think ddosing anything is funny moonie, its destructive and infantile. If anyone thinks its kool in any regards they are as low as the scum doing it.
11 years, 44 weeks ago
Post #192903 Re: The truth
bone posted: (20th May 2013, 06:19 pm)

Moonie posted: (20th May 2013, 06:09 pm)

Plasmastar posted: (20th May 2013, 05:53 pm)

Only thing I like about it is, Rakuhana now being DDoS'd. Such badasses.

ok now ddosing Rakuhana is fucking funny.

I don`t think ddosing anything is funny moonie, its destructive and infantile. If anyone thinks its kool in any regards they are as low as the scum doing it.

Couldn't have put it better myself. Everyone deserves equal opportunity to have their own web space and their own presence on the internet, that includes Rakuhana, FE, EE, BU and all the rest of it. The real question I ask myself is what is the point, really? I think the worst thing I've done with regards to computer misuse is scrape a website for the html, css, js & jpg files just to give them back to the original owner of those documents (The host denied access to their host panel for some shit reason and wouldn't let them have any of their documents) And tbh even that technically isn't malicious. I just don't get how someone can a) find enjoyment out of ddosing and b) feel the need to. 

Anyway, great message there bone. Good to see you're persistent at running your server to make it the best it can be for your community, really commendable. Good luck with any further hassles you hopefully won't have. 

If money doesn't grow on trees, then why do banks have branches?
11 years, 44 weeks ago
Post #192907 Re: The truth
Bone posted:

All servers are now being attacked with amped up botnets, this is producing 500 - 600k packets per second ddos attacks. This is well over our paid ddos protections. In order to defend these attacks were looking at about 800$ per month, wich is really out of reach for most these tiny private servers. This is only gonna become larger and more frequent. DDoS attacks have increased by more than 50% across the net in the last 3 yrs. All tiny game server that dont generate alot of cash will be a thing of the past. If you are one being attacked, i suggest not ever giving in to their demands, all this will do is create more assholes who will emulate this behaviour. I know the 2 ppl who have been doing this for the past week to the eoserv servers, however i will not even give the satisfaction of letting their names be known. Lets just call them the scumbags of the earth lol. In conclusion, i was never one to give up very easy wich is why bu is still here after 3 yrs 3 months, so rest assured i will do my best to keep this server alive.


Firstly these aren't botnets as i've told you they're booters they hit at an average of 5-6gb, it's suspected pps is 10,000 is what it says which is 10gb(i think) and they can be baught for fairly cheap, you pay around the 500-600$ mark for your DDoS protection when anybody can simply buy a booter for 15$ to destory your DDoS protection if you just search google you can find that.

Therefore it's pointless buying that DDoS protection as of now since it's not really protecting you atall and it's really pointless so you're wasting your money, you've only got the option to give into them they won't stop as you've said they're scumbags, they won't stop until they get what they want they're demanding HGM on BU, it's also not me (bone knows that) but if i were you i'd seek legal advice.

Crush a bit
Little bit
Roll it up
Take a hit
11 years, 44 weeks ago
Post #192910 Re: The truth
RyanDaScouser posted: (20th May 2013, 06:48 pm)

Bone posted:

All servers are now being attacked with amped up botnets, this is producing 500 - 600k packets per second ddos attacks. This is well over our paid ddos protections. In order to defend these attacks were looking at about 800$ per month, wich is really out of reach for most these tiny private servers. This is only gonna become larger and more frequent. DDoS attacks have increased by more than 50% across the net in the last 3 yrs. All tiny game server that dont generate alot of cash will be a thing of the past. If you are one being attacked, i suggest not ever giving in to their demands, all this will do is create more assholes who will emulate this behaviour. I know the 2 ppl who have been doing this for the past week to the eoserv servers, however i will not even give the satisfaction of letting their names be known. Lets just call them the scumbags of the earth lol. In conclusion, i was never one to give up very easy wich is why bu is still here after 3 yrs 3 months, so rest assured i will do my best to keep this server alive.


Firstly these aren't botnets as i've told you they're booters they hit at an average of 5-6gb, it's suspected pps is 10,000 is what it says which is 10gb(i think) and they can be baught for fairly cheap, you pay around the 500-600$ mark for your DDoS protection when anybody can simply buy a booter for 15$ to destory your DDoS protection if you just search google you can find that.

Therefore it's pointless buying that DDoS protection as of now since it's not really protecting you atall and it's really pointless so you're wasting your money, you've only got the option to give into them they won't stop as you've said they're scumbags, they won't stop until they get what they want they're demanding HGM on BU, it's also not me (bone knows that) but if i were you i'd seek legal advice.

Or, we could just stand tall and look for other solutions.

Like.. I don't know... Negotiate with them? I know it's a fucking stupid idea, but it's an idea.

You could give them a server they've been looking for the IP to for a long time. A server on private, so it isn't on the SLN list. In return, they leave the server alone.
UNFORTUNATELY these scumbags that we are hearing all about don't DO negotiations, and if they were to do so, they would just ignore the deal and DDoS both.

Another option is to DDoS the fuck out of them. I like that option.

"Nurd, you're like a fucking swiss army knife" - Necrosis
11 years, 44 weeks ago
Post #192913 Re: The truth


Crush a bit
Little bit
Roll it up
Take a hit
11 years, 44 weeks ago
Post #192914 Re: The truth

Burn their computers, they're not doing anything constructive with them anyway. If they want to do simple things with a complex machine, then they should stick to their simple minds and not a computer.

11 years, 44 weeks ago
Post #192915 Re: The truth

This is what happens when children learn to use tools they do it for LOL's but in life you have to learn Karma is a big bitch!

"Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive."
11 years, 44 weeks ago
Post #192957 Re: The truth

First off. Most users are right. There is no need to continue to fight against DDoS for a dying game.

But, if you do want to continue there is a FREE and completely possible way to stop these small attacks. I won't hand anything out but it may be time for some of you to actually read up and expand your knowledge.

11 years, 44 weeks ago
Post #192961 Re: The truth

Today marks the beginning of the end for all private servers. private servers & great deku tree = same.

11 years, 44 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > Lounge > The truth