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PK Server Request
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Post #192793 PK Server Request

I don't know what happened to all of the PK servers that were being worked on; but for the past few weeks, I haven't seen any popular ones spring up like they did back when I was active :(

Is anyone planning/working on a PK/Deadly server at the moment? Those were usually the only types of servers I play (since I've got bored of the PvM/quest grind of normal EO).

(Can people please stop asking me to bring back Culio PK, lol)

“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its
whole life believing that it is stupid.” - Albert Einstein

Owner of the original Culio PK - PK Worldz
11 years, 44 weeks ago
Post #192797 Re: PK Server Request

I totally agree with you Ramy, I for one allways have wanted and still want you to bring back Original Culio Pk but ive just came to live with the fact you never will.

Tbh i probz will never continue playing Endless Online like i did unless someone brings back a great deadly pk servers. (Like Culio Pk).

11 years, 44 weeks ago
Post #192805 Re: PK Server Request

I swear every few months you post something like this... then you guys talk about culio or what ever the fuck its called..

I understand you like those servers and you like to remind everyone you owned one that was "good" but can you piss off and eat shit? Then maybe... just maybe die after.

(I'm sick of everyone being so damn gay)

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)CTronic.org 
I'm Nutso. Keep your fingers out of my butthole.
11 years, 44 weeks ago
Post #192807 Re: PK Server Request

I didn't own a server and it's a suggestion only one being gay right now is you talking about eating shit?

11 years, 44 weeks ago
Post #192812 Re: PK Server Request
Crime posted: (18th May 2013, 05:02 pm)

I didn't own a server and it's a suggestion only one being gay right now is you talking about eating shit?

"Owned" is past-tense you twit.

And I was talking about Rammy you dumb shit.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)CTronic.org 
I'm Nutso. Keep your fingers out of my butthole.
11 years, 44 weeks ago
Post #192814 Re: PK Server Request
Cyanide posted: (18th May 2013, 04:36 pm)

I swear every few months you post something like this... then you guys talk about culio or what ever the fuck its called..

I understand you like those servers and you like to remind everyone you owned one that was "good" but can you piss off and eat shit? Then maybe... just maybe die after.

(I'm sick of everyone being so damn gay)

You should learn how to read instead of seeing the letters P and K together and assuming that I'm bragging about my old server
I never even mentioned my server other than in very small text asking people to not bring it up :P

Go kill yourself C: #ThatEscalatedQuickly

And since you went through the trouble of logging on 3 accounts to -karma me and + yourself, I went through the trouble of doing the same :3

“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its
whole life believing that it is stupid.” - Albert Einstein

Owner of the original Culio PK - PK Worldz
11 years, 44 weeks ago
Post #192815 Re: PK Server Request

I have the codes and everything for a PK server that i abandoned because i can't map.. Pubs, items, gfx, too. I would start it up if I had a mapper.

11 years, 44 weeks ago
Post #192822 Re: PK Server Request

#ThisIsntTwitter #HashTagsAreGay


Honestly, you do kinda repeatively bring up pk servers like that, as if to remind that you used to own one.

Andrewbob - I would be on the fucking copter of rofls

Programmer, Web Developer, and Graphics Designer
11 years, 44 weeks ago
Post #192827 Re: PK Server Request
Wildsurvival posted: (18th May 2013, 09:38 pm)

#ThisIsntTwitter #HashTagsAreGay


Honestly, you do kinda repeatively bring up pk servers like that, as if to remind that you used to own one.

He was simply saying how he wanted one to come back?
11 years, 44 weeks ago
Post #192830 Re: PK Server Request

Ever since you guys came along all I've been seeing here is PK, PK, PK, PK, PK, PK, PK, PK and more fucking PK. Can you please shit the fuck up

"Nurd, you're like a fucking swiss army knife" - Necrosis
11 years, 44 weeks ago
Post #192831 Re: PK Server Request
Ramy posted: (18th May 2013, 07:34 pm)

Cyanide posted: (18th May 2013, 04:36 pm)

I swear every few months you post something like this... then you guys talk about culio or what ever the fuck its called..

I understand you like those servers and you like to remind everyone you owned one that was "good" but can you piss off and eat shit? Then maybe... just maybe die after.

(I'm sick of everyone being so damn gay)

You should learn how to read instead of seeing the letters P and K together and assuming that I'm bragging about my old server
I never even mentioned my server other than in very small text asking people to not bring it up :P

Go kill yourself C: #ThatEscalatedQuickly

And since you went through the trouble of logging on 3 accounts to -karma me and + yourself, I went through the trouble of doing the same :3

Bro bro calm down you just had to mention your server and pk oh and more pk and how you want pk.. blaaah pk.

And I only have 2 eoserv accounts Cyanide/Cykka. Cykka has no KP. I only -1 once.. the other ones you go yourself, does it bother you that much you got some -'s? If so let me go + you bro will that wettin your pussy enough?

Anyways get over it no one cares. P.S. #Istillloveyoubitchtits. #amIdoingitright?


Ppl who might of -'s you:
Stava?(Maybe? because I love him?)
Andrew?(Just to be a dick head?)
Anyone else on eoserv who just has a hard on for making you mad.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)CTronic.org 
I'm Nutso. Keep your fingers out of my butthole.
11 years, 44 weeks ago
Post #192832 Re: PK Server Request

I haven't even seen a PK thread for months, and I think that the last one I've posted in (not even started) was one that was about my server when it was still up >>

All of you people literally haven't seen a thread about PK in months, and I come back asking what happened to all of the projects that people were working on back then, and shoot me down because you're all so butthurt when you see the word PK?

Even some of the people that I thought were mature are acting like ass holes now-a-days

@Crime: The more you try and defend me, the more people -KP you xD Thanks for the appreciation, but this thread really wasn't about my server :l

“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its
whole life believing that it is stupid.” - Albert Einstein

Owner of the original Culio PK - PK Worldz
11 years, 44 weeks ago
Post #192833 Re: PK Server Request
Wildsurvival posted: (18th May 2013, 09:38 pm)

#ThisIsntTwitter #HashTagsAreGay


Honestly, you do kinda repeatively bring up pk servers like that, as if to remind that you used to own one.

Want the maps from my old PK server?
Forum Ghost V2, Test Player, Mapping Artist, Optimist Prime, Server Owner (Hoodrats PK), Quest
Writer, Amateur Pixel Artist
Curious George
11 years, 44 weeks ago
Post #192835 Re: PK Server Request
Ramy posted: (19th May 2013, 12:50 am)

I haven't even seen a PK thread for months, and I think that the last one I've posted in (not even started) was one that was about my server when it was still up >>

All of you people literally haven't seen a thread about PK in months, and I come back asking what happened to all of the projects that people were working on back then, and shoot me down because you're all so butthurt when you see the word PK?

Even some of the people that I thought were mature are acting like ass holes now-a-days

@Crime: The more you try and defend me, the more people -KP you xD Thanks for the appreciation, but this thread really wasn't about my server :l

You really think i care about -Kp? I don't even play eo, Like i told you i don't even come on forums the only reason i am here now is cause of all these people :D

I'm Loving the attention.  It make's me happy seeing how mad people can get so come on - me PLEASE. (I feel like moonie right now) :O

11 years, 44 weeks ago
Post #192836 Re: PK Server Request

Actually , i find this topic pretty interesting, as it could be the reason for a new server to be out

so i have decided if anyone up to making on of these , i can give out some codes i did for a pk server.  

Remember when is not an organization nor a fucking group , it's simply an idea that we believe in
and live for.
The priority of Remember when should come before oxygen , as oxygen is cosmetic even life itself is
cosmetic,that's why offer our worthless lives to The "Remember when"
11 years, 44 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > Lounge > PK Server Request