when i got stoned with my friend i made ramen noodles and we couldnt stop laughing at something,
so im trying to eat ramen noodles and laugh at the same time and im choking,
kristy is hungry so she SHOVES her whole hand into my bowl of ramen and starts eating it with her hands and that makes me laugh even MORE and shes laughing with noodles hanging out her mouth and in her hands and we both were retardedly laughing.
Anouther time is when i was with my friend kaitlin and kristy, and kaitlin was smoking for the first time,
and when she smoked she was like IT FEELS LIKE GRAVITY IS DRAGGING ME DOWN! so shes like grabbing onto me, dragging me down with her and it felt like she was dragging me down to hell and i got scared and started freaking out xD
@sistard: that wasn't even clever.
Insomniac:I like how in the lounges forum description sausage says "Bitches go crazy." and that's
exactly what you do!
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