EOSERV Forum > Lounge > Someone really should re-make test server
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Someone really should re-make test server
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Post #192491 Re: Someone really should re-make test server

that's so boring just spawning items..

you really don't know how to have fun on a game.. immortality and invisibility and 99999-99999 dmg with 15364357458 hp  all the way, LOOK AT MEH NAO, PK ME ALL 2 OF YOU PLAYERS THAT ACCIDENTLY JOINED MY SERVE, 2v1 CMON BRING IT, YA WONT, U SKERD, I BET U SKERD.. party liek a rokstar

11 years, 45 weeks ago
Post #192492 Re: Someone really should re-make test server

lolololololololol. welll ok then? :p

lifes a cunt learn to fuck it!
11 years, 45 weeks ago
Post #192493 Re: Someone really should re-make test server
stava posted: (12th May 2013, 09:19 pm)

that's so boring just spawning items..

you really don't know how to have fun on a game.. immortality and invisibility and 99999-99999 dmg with 15364357458 hp  all the way, LOOK AT MEH NAO, PK ME ALL 2 OF YOU PLAYERS THAT ACCIDENTLY JOINED MY SERVE, 2v1 CMON BRING IT, YA WONT, U SKERD, I BET U SKERD.. party liek a rokstar

If money doesn't grow on trees, then why do banks have branches?
11 years, 45 weeks ago
Post #192494 Re: Someone really should re-make test server

What I liked about the community on test, was very few retards got their hands on botting scripts, and even fewer got them working efficiently. So, who's work did you steal?

What sucks now is everyone and there mother have figured out how to work the simplified bots and they just abuse them all to hell. I used to lol at trying to talk to a bot on test in the days, now the bot to player ratio is just sad.

Wish upon a star!
11 years, 45 weeks ago
Post #192495 Re: Someone really should re-make test server

I was in Harleys guild bro.. (HOG) We all shared scripts etc there but now his site is fucked

i havent spoken to him in years so i dont even know what he does anymore :(

lifes a cunt learn to fuck it!
11 years, 45 weeks ago
Post #192496 Re: Someone really should re-make test server
stava posted: (12th May 2013, 09:19 pm)

that's so boring just spawning items..

you really don't know how to have fun on a game.. immortality and invisibility and 99999-99999 dmg with 15364357458 hp  all the way, LOOK AT MEH NAO, PK ME ALL 2 OF YOU PLAYERS THAT ACCIDENTLY JOINED MY SERVE, 2v1 CMON BRING IT, YA WONT, U SKERD, I BET U SKERD.. party liek a rokstar

Not really, You might get bored as you've been around EOServ for a few years.. But If he wanted to make his own offline server for a few friends, Then I'm sure it'd be alright. He might even want to have a wonder into EOServ and look at the code? He doesn't have to make the best server in the world just to have fun.
11 years, 45 weeks ago
Post #192501 Re: Someone really should re-make test server

Someone make a remake of Test nao


11 years, 45 weeks ago
Post #192509 Re: Someone really should re-make test server

@Perfect you must not know me then eh? Because that was actually nice coming from me.. you fucking pedophile..Get off my interwebz cunt, I run shit like a baws. Don't you understand I'm king shit like a nigga with foodstamps. I fucking ride unicorns for a living and buttfuck vato's in the hood cuz. Braaappp. Wut s0n.

@Danny oh man your idea is still stupid as fuck bro, Ya'fucktard.

But in all seriousness if some one remade test it would end up like every other server out there less then 10 players on.. and even less actually playing.. and half of them just being spam bots. It's pointless to allow speed on a p.server (xspeed) it hurts the server its self not just you. Anyone remaking it would just be using their personal computer so it wouldn't be able to handle the lag caused by xspeed...Or at least the older version of eoserv.. I know I used to speed on p.servers with xspeed and such and it would end up lagging the shit out of the computer that the server was hosted on. Just play eo main if you want to cheat, sure speed doesn't work good.. But there is ALOT of botting spots open.. Such as spawns in butterfly's, carnies, sheep, octo, gnoll or what ever.. If your not high enough level go farm gold with a bot and pay some one from rakahahahahahaahna to level you with the castle bot.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)CTronic.org 
I'm Nutso. Keep your fingers out of my butthole.
11 years, 45 weeks ago
Post #192519 Re: Someone really should re-make test server

I have a server somewhere that is exactly made how EO Main/Test is done. Just the re spawning needs some work as it's not official. But I do believe EOSERV is against posting any files such as that so I am afraid I am unable to give you a copy. Sorry, I had it just for the sake of fooling around but I still have it.

"Everyone is a retard until they prove themselves otherwise."
11 years, 45 weeks ago
Post #192520 Re: Someone really should re-make test server
Zeroâ„¢ posted: (13th May 2013, 06:57 am)

I have a server somewhere that is exactly made how EO Main/Test is done. Just the re spawning needs some work as it's not official. But I do believe EOSERV is against posting any files such as that so I am afraid I am unable to give you a copy. Sorry, I had it just for the sake of fooling around but I still have it.

Private message him. Duuuuh ;D lol.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)CTronic.org 
I'm Nutso. Keep your fingers out of my butthole.
11 years, 45 weeks ago
Post #192531 Re: Someone really should re-make test server
Dillon posted: (13th May 2013, 01:56 am)

Someone make a remake of Test nao


 Not even going to bother....

Now thinking that was meant to mock dannyb so ... nvm??

Something I do instead of sleeping
11 years, 45 weeks ago
Post #192534 Re: Someone really should re-make test server
PANDAMONIOM posted: (13th May 2013, 12:28 pm)

Dillon posted: (13th May 2013, 01:56 am)

Someone make a remake of Test nao


 Not even going to bother....

Now thinking that was meant to mock dannyb so ... nvm??

i was just kidding dude

but yea i agree a remake would end up with 15 players or less with bots.

11 years, 45 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > Lounge > Someone really should re-make test server