EOSERV Forum > Lounge > Someone really should re-make test server
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Someone really should re-make test server
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Post #192447 Someone really should re-make test server

Well were all on main again now and its getting boring! I really wish someone would actually completely and utterly 

remake test just like it used to, No level restrictions, Artist spawn every 4 hours, Places where you could

actually bot wherever you'd like.. damn i miss those days. Maybe even consider letting people bring speed back in to 

the game?

Who would actually like for someone to do this? seriously like im sick of main its killing me. I mean i would remake test myself

but as my internet is able to be portforward now i cannot do it, even if was able i would have to re-portforward as i turn

off my internet every time im finished with it

So yeah guys just saying would be great if someone really could remake test! :(

lifes a cunt learn to fuck it!
11 years, 45 weeks ago
Post #192448 Re: Someone really should re-make test server

A lot of servers on the sln use files from main(which is pretty much like test besides the few things you mentioned.) like maps, pubs, drops, shops, ect. Some of them even use all of the files. Theres plently of lazy server owners out there who have servers identical to the original eo, so you shouldn't have a hard time finding one. You could probably even convince them to edit the files to be like test if they aren't entirely useless.

11 years, 45 weeks ago
Post #192450 Re: Someone really should re-make test server

yah true but there the people wont wont let you bot etc

So thats what im trying to say, someone should re-make it

so it is exactly like old test Speeding Botting etc 

lifes a cunt learn to fuck it!
11 years, 45 weeks ago
Post #192451 Re: Someone really should re-make test server

Most people have moved on since speed and i was a massive speeder in EO Test but i'd never download speed again im glad it has been fixed also i'd rather play custom servers now like BU

"Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive."
11 years, 45 weeks ago
Post #192452 Re: Someone really should re-make test server

Yeah it all depends on what you prefer, but like on test i used to love botting wherever i wanted

and every time id check chest there'd be somethung there etc i really do miss them days

lifes a cunt learn to fuck it!
11 years, 45 weeks ago
Post #192453 Re: Someone really should re-make test server

I played test mostly, I rarely touched main. I enjoyed it because it was a small community, but every private server is pretty much a small community now.

11 years, 45 weeks ago
Post #192455 Re: Someone really should re-make test server

Remaking test would not bring back the old EO Test feel as all the people will not be on it so basically you'd be online with like 4 people and 2 of them would probly be autoing xD

"Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive."
11 years, 45 weeks ago
Post #192456 Re: Someone really should re-make test server

I see where your coming from but seriously i wish someone would at least

just try to bring it back to the olden days xD Maybe even bring back arenabot

and getting skinned accs.

lifes a cunt learn to fuck it!
11 years, 45 weeks ago
Post #192457 Re: Someone really should re-make test server

Yes i do miss those times...Endless is my #2 Childhood game...And people try to remake test buts its 

too hard to get all of the quests,maps,..And I might try when summer break hits so i have more time

11 years, 45 weeks ago
Post #192460 Re: Someone really should re-make test server

Speed ruins computers...

Botting ruins the economy and the community of the game..

Idea is fucking stupid..

You sir are a fucktard.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)CTronic.org 
I'm Nutso. Keep your fingers out of my butthole.
11 years, 45 weeks ago
Post #192464 Re: Someone really should re-make test server

Cyanide lick my balls bitch! dont like fuck off.

lifes a cunt learn to fuck it!
11 years, 45 weeks ago
Post #192468 Re: Someone really should re-make test server
Cyanide posted: (12th May 2013, 04:50 pm)

Speed ruins computers...

Botting ruins the economy and the community of the game..

Idea is fucking stupid..

You sir are a fucktard.

-1. So uncalled for.  Theres other ways to say its a bad idea without putting the topic owner down.

"You sir are a fucktard" yeh speak for yourself.  Rudest comment ive ever seen.
11 years, 45 weeks ago
Post #192471 Re: Someone really should re-make test server

what the hell?

This is how I read this topic:

Uh oh so main got boring, someone should just make "botters server" so you can go enjoy botting with the rest of technically NPCs ..

Yeah because that's fun?

I agree with Cyanide 100%

11 years, 45 weeks ago
Post #192472 Re: Someone really should re-make test server

Stava it all depends on what you prefer, im just saying i used to enjoy

leaving my acc bot on test wherever and for as long as i wanted

without sturgglingg for spots

lifes a cunt learn to fuck it!
11 years, 45 weeks ago
Post #192473 Re: Someone really should re-make test server

yeah but I don't see what's your point in "playing" a game and having "fun" when you aren't even playing it and aren't there..?

what do you use EO for exactly?

I could suggest you hosting your own server on which you can bot and you can keep it offline so you can have all the botting spots in the world for yourself, if botting gives you such pleasure and joy..

11 years, 45 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > Lounge > Someone really should re-make test server