EOSERV Forum > Lounge > Post what you recently got for free!
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Post what you recently got for free!
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Post #192294 Re: Post what you recently got for free!

I wish I would get nice things for free..

I got a free sandwich! Don't get too much free stuff. lol

11 years, 45 weeks ago
Post #192296 Re: Post what you recently got for free!
sblord posted: (9th May 2013, 06:37 pm)

Bottom of the case, most likely, they used to have a 5-digit code starting with M (eg. M1234) that would match up the models. Otherwise you could match them up visually using the photos over at http://apple-history.com by clicking "by family" > "PowerBook G3/G4" or whatever model category they fit in to.

Oh okay, yeah one of the model numbers is M4753, They don't look like they're going for a good price; mostly 60$ or less. So from what you said earlier; pretty much i won't be able to put the latest apple IOS on there? I was wanting to get a rather recent date OS so its more nice then the old OS's and also figure out how to get wifi on the laptops (I figured i would have to get wifi  adapters since they don't initially have wifi connection obviously) but yeah, i wanted to know if it would be worth it to put money into them or just let them sit there for a rainy day.

edit: yeah they are pretty old rofl 

Intro. Date: November 10, 1997 Disc. Date: March 14, 1998
CN:BH 4 lyfe
11 years, 45 weeks ago
Post #192297 Re: Post what you recently got for free!

Those models are often called "Wallstreet Series" PowerBook G3s. They were made in 1997-98, so they're getting on quite a bit, they run 10.2 Jaguar at the very latest, and that's getting quite old - 2002 or so I believe. They're more suited to running Mac OS 9 so they'll likely run old games fairly well. Probably isn't all that much you can do with them but as I said, they do sell to collectors and the like, so I wouldn't throw them away.

EOSERV.net Academy Of Trolls, Satirists & Sarcastics
5.5 Years Former Site Administrator / Moderation Team / Member (Retired)
11 years, 45 weeks ago
Post #192299 Re: Post what you recently got for free!

I don't need your hand-outs. I'M AN ADULT.

11 years, 45 weeks ago
Post #192300 Re: Post what you recently got for free!
Haze posted: (9th May 2013, 07:25 pm)

I don't need your hand-outs. I'M AN ADULT.

I'm not a part of your system, you can't buy me, hot dog man!
May he now rest under aegis of mirage -
As the sands slowly turn to Elysian fields
11 years, 45 weeks ago
Post #192302 Re: Post what you recently got for free!
sblord posted: (9th May 2013, 06:51 pm)

Those models are often called "Wallstreet Series" PowerBook G3s. They were made in 1997-98, so they're getting on quite a bit, they run 10.2 Jaguar at the very latest, and that's getting quite old - 2002 or so I believe. They're more suited to running Mac OS 9 so they'll likely run old games fairly well. Probably isn't all that much you can do with them but as I said, they do sell to collectors and the like, so I wouldn't throw them away.

Ah sweet, I'll just put them up for now and continue to glance at people that may be collecting them every once in a while and see if i can get some money out of them hopefully. Thanks for letting me know before i spent money trying to do all of this haha. 
CN:BH 4 lyfe
11 years, 45 weeks ago
Post #192303 Re: Post what you recently got for free!
Syran posted: (9th May 2013, 07:27 pm)

Haze posted: (9th May 2013, 07:25 pm)

I don't need your hand-outs. I'M AN ADULT.

I'm not a part of your system, you can't buy me, hot dog man!

At the farmer's market with my so-called girlfriend. She hands me her cell phone, says it's my dad. I said "Man, this ain't my dad. This is a cell phone!" I took it, and threw it on the ground!
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its
whole life believing that it is stupid.” - Albert Einstein

Owner of the original Culio PK - PK Worldz
11 years, 45 weeks ago
Post #192304 Re: Post what you recently got for free!

I looked at this topic name and I thought ''Oh, this is going to be so stupid, everyone is going to post that they god a free can of Coke or a free chocolate bar or something'' but no, YOU ALL GOT FREE FUCKING LAPTOPS

"Nurd, you're like a fucking swiss army knife" - Necrosis
11 years, 45 weeks ago
Post #192307 Re: Post what you recently got for free!
Nurd posted: (9th May 2013, 07:54 pm)

I looked at this topic name and I thought ''Oh, this is going to be so stupid, everyone is going to post that they god a free can of Coke or a free chocolate bar or something'' but no, YOU ALL GOT FREE FUCKING LAPTOPS

they stole them
Forum Ghost V2, Test Player, Mapping Artist, Optimist Prime, Server Owner (Hoodrats PK), Quest
Writer, Amateur Pixel Artist
Curious George
11 years, 45 weeks ago
Post #192314 Re: Post what you recently got for free!

I might be getting one of these for free, I'm still trying to make it happen. Three monitors are apparently not enough for me.

I got a Dell Optiplex 745c for free that my coworker was no longer using. Its a piece of shit but I use it as a Server 2k8 R2 machine to practice domain management stuff. I also host a Terraria server for my friends ;D

It isn't really free since I pay for school to get it, but I have access to every Windows OS and virtually every piece of software they make (all the main ones) for free as well thanks to DreamSpark.

class EOSERV {
Programmer | Oldbie
Open source EO Client: https://github.com/ethanmoffat/EndlessClient
11 years, 45 weeks ago
Post #192326 Re: Post what you recently got for free!
Nurd posted: (9th May 2013, 07:54 pm)

I looked at this topic name and I thought ''Oh, this is going to be so stupid, everyone is going to post that they god a free can of Coke or a free chocolate bar or something'' but no, YOU ALL GOT FREE FUCKING LAPTOPS

Laptops are almost getting to the point of being disposable - or so manufacturers would like you to think, because it translates to sales of new units. I'm amazed myself at how many of these are being thrown away on a regular basis, most of them broken or malfunctioning but otherwise very simple fixes. A couple of minutes with a screwdriver and it's back in business. Education IT departments, computer repairer shops and even posting "Wanted" ads on your local classifieds can turn up results.

I don't tend to keep most of them though, so someone else gets a free machine when I'm done bringing it back to life. Some of them I sell to recover service costs.

That said, a free can of coke is nothing to turn your nose up at... sometimes when I'm wrist deep in circuit board cleaners and clutch fluid and it's closing in on midnight, a can of something looks pretty damn awesome.

BroTard posted: (9th May 2013, 08:52 pm)

they stole them

Nope, perfectly legitimate - paperwork and all!

What I should mention is that in my case, all 4 laptops were broken when I received them. I spent a couple of hours servicing them and three came back to life, except the Quad i7, which I'm still working on. I made a thread on this a while back explaining why I tend to have more computer hardware than space to store it sometimes.

Jimmy's on the other hand, well they're just old systems, and most of them are being given away these days.

EOSERV.net Academy Of Trolls, Satirists & Sarcastics
5.5 Years Former Site Administrator / Moderation Team / Member (Retired)
11 years, 45 weeks ago
Post #192352 Re: Post what you recently got for free!

i got a Yamaha Original Piano .. with some scratches on its front ..

will post Scenie later xD

11 years, 45 weeks ago
Post #192413 Re: Post what you recently got for free!

I got a bunch of free games from a neighbor who moved away, they gave them to me for free, and said they had no use or room for them. I think the best things out of it were Roller Coaster Tycoons 1, 2, and 3.

'''â–²   The Lightning 'â–²'
â–² â–²     Warrior    â–² â–²

EOServ Classes: Forum Ghost, Kalandra II; Mapping Artist; Heavenly Karma
11 years, 45 weeks ago
Post #192415 Re: Post what you recently got for free!
xElectricZz posted: (11th May 2013, 07:10 pm)

I got a bunch of free games from a neighbor who moved away, they gave them to me for free, and said they had no use or room for them. I think the best things out of it were Roller Coaster Tycoons 1, 2, and 3.

Roller coaster tycoon 2 , it was my favorite shit back in the day :(  
Remember when is not an organization nor a fucking group , it's simply an idea that we believe in
and live for.
The priority of Remember when should come before oxygen , as oxygen is cosmetic even life itself is
cosmetic,that's why offer our worthless lives to The "Remember when"
11 years, 45 weeks ago
Post #192416 Re: Post what you recently got for free!

This is what i recently got for free:

Don't ask how lololol.

11 years, 45 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > Lounge > Post what you recently got for free!