EOSERV Forum > Lounge > Am i a dirty person?
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Am i a dirty person?
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Post #192070 Re: Am i a dirty person?

God Moonie, just leave these forums -.-.

11 years, 46 weeks ago
Post #192071 Re: Am i a dirty person?
R o n n i e posted: (6th May 2013, 07:30 pm)

Moonie posted: (6th May 2013, 07:21 pm)

R o n n i e posted: (6th May 2013, 07:14 pm)

I have an ant problem once in a while since my dog will take his food to his bed and make a mess so say if the food gets under the couch or something and I don't see it then ants will swarm my house. Monnie id try doing the following things, they seem to always work for me. I take the vacuum and vacuum like a mad man to make sure I got most of them but know that ants leave a trail letting other ants know that there was food so you have to use like a raid spray in cracks, around doors, and where they were accumulating. This will most likely fix your problem right away. If all else fails I recently bought a raid plug which plugs into an outlet and I haven't seen not one bug since then! I don't know how it works but its working haha. I think the raid plug is called "raid plug ins" not sure though.

really? raid plug ins? i'll probly buy that if my ant spray doesnt start doing its job and KILLING these damn ants >:O

so far i havent seen any since that whole cereal bowl insident today :D

^^ thanks for the advice guys

i feel like ants should not be this hard to get rid of Dx

Be thankful, this would be much worse:


Insomniac:I like how in the lounges forum description sausage says "Bitches go crazy." and that's
exactly what you do!
Pixel artist | Mapping artist | Alternative artist | Heavenly Karma | oldbie | top 50  |
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11 years, 46 weeks ago
Post #192107 Re: Am i a dirty person?

They just want your scraps, my moonpie lover slut.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)CTronic.org 
I'm Nutso. Keep your fingers out of my butthole.
11 years, 46 weeks ago
Post #192109 Re: Am i a dirty person?

ur not Dirty Moonie <3 ...  Ants just love u like i love you :o ..


11 years, 46 weeks ago
Post #192114 Re: Am i a dirty person?
wesly posted: (7th May 2013, 04:09 pm)

ur not Dirty Moonie <3 ...  Ants just love u like i love you :o ..


I'll murder your family she's mine.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)CTronic.org 
I'm Nutso. Keep your fingers out of my butthole.
11 years, 46 weeks ago
Post #192140 Re: Am i a dirty person?

Ant Phobia?

11 years, 46 weeks ago
Post #192148 Re: Am i a dirty person?
Cyanide posted: (7th May 2013, 04:50 pm)

wesly posted: (7th May 2013, 04:09 pm)

ur not Dirty Moonie <3 ...  Ants just love u like i love you :o ..


I'll murder your family she's mine.

no you wont.. shes mine Cyanide >:[
11 years, 46 weeks ago
Post #192149 Re: Am i a dirty person?

Find out where the ants are coming from and....


I forgot what I was going to write...
11 years, 46 weeks ago
Post #192166 Re: Am i a dirty person?
class EOSERV {
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11 years, 45 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > Lounge > Am i a dirty person?