EOSERV Forum > Lounge > Rec. Playback "Currently Unavailible"
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Rec. Playback "Currently Unavailible"
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Post #191284 Rec. Playback "Currently Unavailible"

Could someone help me with this? i'm trying to use my headset's microphone, and i've been googleing, and messing around with the settings for a full hour now. Rec. Playback is "Currently Unavailable", and the microphone won't work. Help?
'''â–²   The Lightning 'â–²'
â–² â–²     Warrior    â–² â–²

EOServ Classes: Forum Ghost, Kalandra II; Mapping Artist; Heavenly Karma
11 years, 35 weeks ago
Post #191290 Re: Rec. Playback "Currently Unavailible"

This is probably a stupid question, but have you tried restarting the computer o.o?

11 years, 35 weeks ago
Post #191292 Re: Rec. Playback "Currently Unavailible"
Ryouken posted: (28th Apr 2013, 12:14 am)

This is probably a stupid question, but have you tried restarting the computer o.o?

i'l do it right now. be right back.

Now it flipped around.. at least it did something?
'''â–²   The Lightning 'â–²'
â–² â–²     Warrior    â–² â–²

EOServ Classes: Forum Ghost, Kalandra II; Mapping Artist; Heavenly Karma
11 years, 35 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > Lounge > Rec. Playback "Currently Unavailible"