EOSERV Forum > Lounge > EOMain Chest Behavior
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EOMain Chest Behavior
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Post #190455 EOMain Chest Behavior

In the past, there's been big retarded arguments about spawn times resetting because of dropping an item in them.

Recently, I've been fiddling with chests, and just now, I noticed a peculiar behavior. Some chests seem to get "full" faster than others. Why? Because the server isn't going to let you drop an item in, that would conflict with that item spawning.

So in short, NO, dropping items in does not affect spawn times.

Wish upon a star!
11 years, 48 weeks ago
Post #190456 Re: EOMain Chest Behavior

Yeah, I've also heard about taking items out will fuck up the spawn time. For exampe; Artist Chest spawns (turtle,cook,panda,gold) i heard if you take the gold out it fucks it up. Which is stupid 

CN:BH 4 lyfe
11 years, 48 weeks ago
Post #190457 Re: EOMain Chest Behavior

Here is my final proof.

The first 2 lines is me picking up the spawns. The next 2 is me dropping in items and taking them out. This chest's items' spawns times are 14 minutes. So I have to say, prove me wrong!

Wish upon a star!
11 years, 48 weeks ago
Post #190459 Re: EOMain Chest Behavior
Plasmastar posted: (19th Apr 2013, 07:50 pm)

Here is my final proof.

The first 2 lines is me picking up the spawns. The next 2 is me dropping in items and taking them out. This chest's items' spawns times are 14 minutes. So I have to say, prove me wrong!

That's pretty cool, when you showed me it yesterday I didn't know it said stuff when you picked up the items.
Click 4 cookies: http://tinyurl.com/sneezing4lyfe
11 years, 48 weeks ago
Post #190462 Re: EOMain Chest Behavior

I believe the server reserves a seperate slot for added items. There should be 5 if I am not mistaken. 1-4 hold spawns, player items should be placed in free slots only, typically slot 5.

11 years, 48 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > Lounge > EOMain Chest Behavior