EOSERV Forum > Lounge > Thanks to every server owner
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Thanks to every server owner
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Post #189892 Re: Thanks to every server owner

even if u actually did this

i would just jack all your gfx files, make my own server with them (NOTICE I WONT EVEN HAVE TO ADD THE BITMAPS LOL)

and ill get 1000000000911642 players because im rich n famous and COOL, and u are not, LOSER ajjhhahahahaheuhah

ur server will have 1 player = lonely YOU XD

11 years, 37 weeks ago
Post #189893 Re: Thanks to every server owner

The wierd thing is people probly talk to this guy and like him on his other account and just so you don't all start hating him he's made a alt to hide on.

Or this is what i believe anyways

"Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive."
11 years, 37 weeks ago
Post #189894 Re: Thanks to every server owner

Bahhahahahahaha. I'm lonely but you spend 24hrs everyday pixelinh and posting things on here? Lmfao. Way to prove it You have more than 1000 positive karma points. Dnt confuse me with your sad pathetic life. Bahahaha you had me rolling. For real though. I'm done being on this website. (I'm dead ass serious.) All of you are the lamest bunch of retards ever. You are still trying to revive a dry ass nerd game. None of the servers have ever reached more than 50 players and you say you have rl friends? Yet you still try because you have no social lives. Haha. Half of eoserv are white lonely ass ppl who come on here to find admiration or a place to belong. Lol everytime I come here I laugh. You guys try to flame with the same corny insults. Lmfao

11 years, 37 weeks ago
Post #189895 Re: Thanks to every server owner

I have to agree with you there, I was waiting for the online users to show him go-offline and see when someone else comes online (they'd be a suspect). EOServ has a rather large delay with it's online users feature. So that's not going to happen..

11 years, 37 weeks ago
Post #189897 Re: Thanks to every server owner
Thief posted: (15th Apr 2013, 08:32 pm)

Bahhahahahahaha. I'm lonely but you spend 24hrs everyday pixelinh and posting things on here? Lmfao. Way to prove it You have more than 1000 positive karma points. Dnt confuse me with your sad pathetic life. Bahahaha you had me rolling. For real though. I'm done being on this website. (I'm dead ass serious.) All of you are the lamest bunch of retards ever. You are still trying to revive a dry ass nerd game. None of the servers have ever reached more than 50 players and you say you have rl friends? Yet you still try because you have no social lives. Haha. Half of eoserv are white lonely ass ppl who come on here to find admiration or a place to belong. Lol everytime I come here I laugh. You guys try to flame with the same corny insults. Lmfao

Bitch please rofl
lifes a cunt learn to fuck it!
11 years, 37 weeks ago
Post #189900 Re: Thanks to every server owner

Continuing to engage with this guy is pointless. He doesn't know the first thing about creating a successful game and he probably never will - Can we leave it at that?

Want to learn to pixel?
11 years, 37 weeks ago
Post #189909 Re: Thanks to every server owner
Cirras posted: (15th Apr 2013, 08:53 pm)

Continuing to engage with this guy is pointless. He doesn't know the first thing about creating a successful game and he probably never will - Can we leave it at that?

Sure thing haha
lifes a cunt learn to fuck it!
11 years, 37 weeks ago
Post #189910 Re: Thanks to every server owner
Lucian posted: (15th Apr 2013, 08:33 pm)

I have to agree with you there, I was waiting for the online users to show him go-offline and see when someone else comes online (they'd be a suspect). EOServ has a rather large delay with it's online users feature. So that's not going to happen..

I am not sure if you mean there is a delay to this page or not, but if you don't than you can just look at it and see. I am not saying it was the person that logged on after him, but honestly I don't really see the point of finding out who it is. You can just go on the servers list and honestly if it has under 5 players what is the point of even caring? 
11 years, 37 weeks ago
Post #189912 Re: Thanks to every server owner
Thief posted: (15th Apr 2013, 08:32 pm)

Bahhahahahahaha. I'm lonely but you spend 24hrs everyday pixelinh and posting things on here? Lmfao. Way to prove it You have more than 1000 positive karma points. Dnt confuse me with your sad pathetic life. Bahahaha you had me rolling. For real though. I'm done being on this website. (I'm dead ass serious.) All of you are the lamest bunch of retards ever. You are still trying to revive a dry ass nerd game. None of the servers have ever reached more than 50 players and you say you have rl friends? Yet you still try because you have no social lives. Haha. Half of eoserv are white lonely ass ppl who come on here to find admiration or a place to belong. Lol everytime I come here I laugh. You guys try to flame with the same corny insults. Lmfao

Why did putting you with word lonely in same sentence trigger such hate towards me?

jelly hater?

I didn't make any prejudices about you and didn't say anything about your real life person, because I don't know you.. Why are you so mad? Why.. Why you mad.. bro?


Sorry :(

11 years, 37 weeks ago
Post #189933 Re: Thanks to every server owner

We need an adult over here code 14!!!

11 years, 37 weeks ago
Post #189944 Re: Thanks to every server owner
LegendaryG posted: (16th Apr 2013, 12:34 am)

We need an adult over here code 14!!!

No Kidding

This Guys a faggot people actually work hard
11 years, 37 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > Lounge > Thanks to every server owner