EOSERV Forum > Lounge > Thanks to every server owner
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Thanks to every server owner
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Post #188781 Thanks to every server owner

Believe it or not, everyserver has helped me by providing me with beautiful, custom artwork. I went through some of the servers gfx (aureus, bu, persona,ect) and took a select few to add onto my server. I just wanted to thank you guys for the beautiful artwork because you've saved me a ton of money. Now I wont have to buy a pixel artist. :) thanks

11 years, 50 weeks ago
Post #188782 Re: Thanks to every server owner

Wow. I'd tell you to troll harder, but this is actually probably going to piss some kids off.

Forum Ghost V2, Test Player, Mapping Artist, Optimist Prime, Server Owner (Hoodrats PK), Quest
Writer, Amateur Pixel Artist
Curious George
11 years, 50 weeks ago
Post #188783 Re: Thanks to every server owner

Why would it piss them off? It should be an honor for people to want to use their pixels. Alot of servers do it without acknowledging the fact. At least I'm being polite by thanking them. :)

11 years, 50 weeks ago
Post #188786 Re: Thanks to every server owner

If this isn't just a troll [Which I presume it is by your name,] I should probably say that incredibly large amount of time and effort goes into the pixel art you're stealing, and that would be why server owners and pixel artists alike would be pissed off. Luckily for we artists, it just so happens that servers stealing graphics tend to be the first that are DDoS'd into the ground, often by small-time server owners who are angry about some thieving server getting higher numbers than them. I guess the volatility of the EO community has its advantages. c:

Want to learn to pixel?
11 years, 50 weeks ago
Post #188787 Re: Thanks to every server owner

You shouldn't steal server art.
Yes other people do it too, but that doesn't change the fact that it's both illegal, and it's very rude.

As Brotard said, they won't like what you've done.

11 years, 50 weeks ago
Post #188791 Re: Thanks to every server owner

And I mean, why not learn to pixel to your own stuff? Or search the forums for free to use? Weapons get released for free all the time, as well as npc's now and then. What I'm getting at, is that you don't have to steal art to have custom art.

Forum Ghost V2, Test Player, Mapping Artist, Optimist Prime, Server Owner (Hoodrats PK), Quest
Writer, Amateur Pixel Artist
Curious George
11 years, 50 weeks ago
Post #188851 Re: Thanks to every server owner
Thief posted: (7th Apr 2013, 05:34 am)

Why would it piss them off? It should be an honor for people to want to use their pixels. Alot of servers do it without acknowledging the fact. At least I'm being polite by thanking them. :)

u r an asshole sir.

do not be surprized if u get ddosed by every server u stole from

especialy elevations.

Insomniac:I like how in the lounges forum description sausage says "Bitches go crazy." and that's
exactly what you do!
Pixel artist | Mapping artist | Alternative artist | Heavenly Karma | oldbie | top 50  |
Attention whore | main player |
11 years, 50 weeks ago
Post #188862 Re: Thanks to every server owner
Thief posted: (7th Apr 2013, 05:34 am)

Why would it piss them off? It should be an honor for people to want to use their pixels. Alot of servers do it without acknowledging the fact. At least I'm being polite by thanking them. :)

Get off your high horse pall, why would anyone be honored by some nobody stealing there hard work. Have fun getting DDoS'd into raging off your server.
a.k.a Soulsurvivor, or Deuce.
11 years, 50 weeks ago
Post #188864 Re: Thanks to every server owner

Lmao, This was clearly made to insult you all and make you mad. Just don't give this guy attention and he may just crawl under a rock and die quietly.

"Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive."
11 years, 50 weeks ago
Post #188869 Re: Thanks to every server owner

Theif, I can already tell your server isn't going to get anywhere. 

I'm back to stay. <3
11 years, 50 weeks ago
Post #188870 Re: Thanks to every server owner

your server is going down Pal.. lol

11 years, 50 weeks ago
Post #188872 Re: Thanks to every server owner

You're welcome. 

11 years, 50 weeks ago
Post #188873 Re: Thanks to every server owner

It hasn't went down so far. I wont put it in sln. But thank you all. I will continue to go through gfx files to take some of your work. :)

11 years, 50 weeks ago
Post #188874 Re: Thanks to every server owner
MitchV2 posted: (8th Apr 2013, 12:57 am)

You're welcome. 

Lmao! XD

@Thief ..     how would people know or play in your server if u wont post it in SLN (Dumbass)
                 unless your planning on making it only for you and your friends 

which i dont really care ... (gonna fail anyways)

11 years, 50 weeks ago
Post #188895 Re: Thanks to every server owner

Guys. He doesn't have a serious server. If he did he would have it on the SLN. If he actually did steal graphics then it's not of much consequence considering nobody can see it or play it anyway.

I declare this troll-topic to be dead. Now let's stop replying.

Want to learn to pixel?
11 years, 50 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > Lounge > Thanks to every server owner