EOSERV Forum > Lounge > Supposedly V.29 comes out today?
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Supposedly V.29 comes out today?
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Post #188551 Supposedly V.29 comes out today?

On global 5 days ago, there was someone who claimed to know vult personally. Said that v.29 came out in 5 days. Even though it's most likely false, needless to say I've been keeping track of the days.

The server is currently down, however the site is not. This leads me to believe that the server is not simply being ddosed as it was about a week ago, because the server and site are on the same host.

If it does, I for one, would be very, very happy. If it doesn't.... Oh well, nothing lost I suppose.

Forum Ghost V2, Test Player, Mapping Artist, Optimist Prime, Server Owner (Hoodrats PK), Quest
Writer, Amateur Pixel Artist
Curious George
11 years, 50 weeks ago
Post #188553 Re: Supposedly V.29 comes out today?

I have to admit, this is interesting. I'd be pretty awesome if it were to take place.

11 years, 50 weeks ago
Post #188556 Re: Supposedly V.29 comes out today?

Well, what's interesting is that both BU and EE have very select items from v.29, so I know for a fact that it was, at the very least, started on.

Forum Ghost V2, Test Player, Mapping Artist, Optimist Prime, Server Owner (Hoodrats PK), Quest
Writer, Amateur Pixel Artist
Curious George
11 years, 50 weeks ago
Post #188560 Re: Supposedly V.29 comes out today?

Apollo is the best person to ask, he knows much more than most people on this subject.

11 years, 50 weeks ago
Post #188561 Re: Supposedly V.29 comes out today?


11 years, 50 weeks ago
Post #188575 Re: Supposedly V.29 comes out today?

Well it would be nice since it has been V28 for like 6-7years xD

But it's not going to happen EO is stuck like it is now FOREVER: (Look)

"Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive."
11 years, 50 weeks ago
Post #188577 Re: Supposedly V.29 comes out today?

Rumors. Though it being down is interesting. Wonder what crashed it.

Wish upon a star!
11 years, 50 weeks ago
Post #188585 Re: Supposedly V.29 comes out today?

That's the whole point, it hasn't crashed - otherwise the site would have crashed too; which is hasn't. Thus that means it must have been shut down for some reason. Which leads me to be interested in this rumor. Although I highly doubt it's true, with the recent apperance of vult-r and his few words this could be linked. Only time shall tell.

11 years, 50 weeks ago
Post #188586 Re: Supposedly V.29 comes out today?
Lucian posted: (5th Apr 2013, 05:37 pm)

That's the whole point, it hasn't crashed - otherwise the site would have crashed too; which is hasn't. Thus that means it must have been shut down for some reason. Which leads me to be interested in this rumor. Although I highly doubt it's true, with the recent apperance of vult-r and his few words this could be linked. Only time shall tell.

Crashed, DDoS'd. Two different meanings. The game server executable crashing will not affect the web server.
Wish upon a star!
11 years, 50 weeks ago
Post #188589 Re: Supposedly V.29 comes out today?

Mhmm, that is true. It's a bit odd for it to 'crash' though don't you think? It's only ever down when it's ddosed. Which still means it's possible he could have remotely shut it down... though I highly doubt that.

11 years, 50 weeks ago
Post #188595 Re: Supposedly V.29 comes out today?
Alright, So if you create a new Endless Online account, after that change your password to "elefag", You cant acces your account anymore.Can someone eplain this to me?
11 years, 50 weeks ago
Post #188596 Re: Supposedly V.29 comes out today?
Avdo posted: (5th Apr 2013, 07:01 pm)

Alright, So if you create a new Endless Online account, after that change your password to "elefag", You cant acces your account anymore.Can someone eplain this to me?

Way to go off-topic. Way to also tell every-fucking-body.
Wish upon a star!
11 years, 50 weeks ago
Post #188597 Re: Supposedly V.29 comes out today?

Ikr its off-topic, was lazy to create a special topic for this.

11 years, 50 weeks ago
Post #188598 Re: Supposedly V.29 comes out today?

5 days ago v29 was mentioned. That's about the time April Fools would be saying such, right?

11 years, 50 weeks ago
Post #188599 Re: Supposedly V.29 comes out today?
Plasmastar posted: (5th Apr 2013, 07:03 pm)

Avdo posted: (5th Apr 2013, 07:01 pm)

Alright, So if you create a new Endless Online account, after that change your password to "elefag", You cant acces your account anymore.Can someone eplain this to me?

Way to go off-topic. Way to also tell every-fucking-body.






Forum Ghost V2, Test Player, Mapping Artist, Optimist Prime, Server Owner (Hoodrats PK), Quest
Writer, Amateur Pixel Artist
Curious George
11 years, 50 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > Lounge > Supposedly V.29 comes out today?