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Bedroom "Producers" (Soundcloud thread)
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Post #187821 Bedroom "Producers" (Soundcloud thread)

Do you make music? Then post in this thread! I make electronic, heavily influenced by dubstep. However, I really would not call my creations dubstep haha. If I wanted to really name it, I'd call it Creep-Complextro-Step (Which makes me sound hipster as fuck so I usually just say CreepStep). Follow me, I'll most likely follow back.

I use Ableton, along with about 9 plugins haha.


Forum Ghost V2, Test Player, Mapping Artist, Optimist Prime, Server Owner (Hoodrats PK), Quest
Writer, Amateur Pixel Artist
Curious George
11 years, 51 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > Lounge > Bedroom "Producers" (Soundcloud thread)