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To This Day
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Post #187671 To This Day

To everyone.


“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its
whole life believing that it is stupid.” - Albert Einstein

Owner of the original Culio PK - PK Worldz
11 years, 39 weeks ago
Post #187673 Re: To This Day

This is...beautiful.

Wish upon a star!
11 years, 39 weeks ago
Post #187674 Re: To This Day

"Long lasting effect in confronting bullying" yet it is never mentioned.

Other than that I have heard of this guy before.

Plasmastar he talks about how kids get bullied and how they don't realize their potential. Nowhere does it talk about confronting bullying in that video.

Former multi-server mapper.
11 years, 39 weeks ago
Post #187675 Re: To This Day
Misca posted: (30th Mar 2013, 02:29 am)

"Long lasting effect in confronting bullying" yet it is never mentioned.

Other than that I have heard of this guy before.

How is it not mentioned?... His so called project is relevant to the "Stop Bullying" program.
Wish upon a star!
11 years, 39 weeks ago
Post #187678 Re: To This Day

Thank you for showing me this video <3

Girl Gamer <3
11 years, 39 weeks ago
Post #187679 Re: To This Day

That was the most amazing thing I've ever seen 

"Nurd, you're like a fucking swiss army knife" - Necrosis
11 years, 39 weeks ago
Post #187704 Re: To This Day

This is absolutely beautiful! It reminds me of the quiet place project: http://thequietplaceproject.com/ thank you so much for sharing! In many ways I can relate to it myself and it's incredibly inspirational

If money doesn't grow on trees, then why do banks have branches?
11 years, 39 weeks ago
Post #187742 Re: To This Day

Thanks for the appreciation :P

“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its
whole life believing that it is stupid.” - Albert Einstein

Owner of the original Culio PK - PK Worldz
11 years, 39 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > Lounge > To This Day