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Youtube Channel and Partnership :D
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Post #186882 Youtube Channel and Partnership :D

Hey Everyone :D
So i guess my Youtube Channel became more then just a hooby and and became more then just the harlem shake video haha
Recently accepted my Youtube Partnership and now am working on getting videos out all the time :D
Hopefully you all will see some footage of Project TINN Soon, so keep and eye out for that and on another note if you arnt sub'd goahead and sub to me "I love you long time" bahaha
Anyways i think i am going to open up a free graphic request shop where you can request sprites, youtube layouts and well other art ill try a lot of things
Well thanks for Reading Nerah
YT Link:

Things and stuff go here I guess.
12 years, 5 days ago
Post #186883 Re: Youtube Channel and Partnership :D

Well done to you Nerah.

I'm, going to subscribe to your channel would you Subscribe to me also?

It would help me and my server a lot and hopefully give you some more views and subscribers as well ;)

yours and to many to name eoserv users, gave me the idea to launch a mmorpg Youtube Channel.

Any way best of luck with the new venture!

 pm or skype me please, on here or skype name xeph.12 to discuss if you want to share subscribers and link to each others channels(you'd be helping me out a ton.)

12 years, 5 days ago
Post #186884 Re: Youtube Channel and Partnership :D
XEPHINO posted: (20th Mar 2013, 10:31 pm)

Well done to you Nerah.

I'm, going to subscribe to your channel would you Subscribe to me also?

It would help me and my server a lot and hopefully give you some more views and subscribers as well ;)

yours and to many to name eoserv users, gave me the idea to launch a mmorpg Youtube Channel.

Any way best of luck with the new venture!

 pm or skype me please, on here or skype name xeph.12 to discuss if you want to share subscribers and link to each others channels(you'd be helping me out a ton.)

Ill sub and box you for the same back :D
youll be a:
"Youtuber in Crime" as i call it haha

Things and stuff go here I guess.
12 years, 5 days ago
Post #186886 Re: Youtube Channel and Partnership :D

Cool man! Good luck with your channel! I've recently just hit my partnership as well :D
I'm looking forward to checking out your channel, I'm subscribed.
Here is mine so you know who I am :p.

www.youtube.com/fxboxproductions (not sure on how to add my banner yet, I gotta work on that lol)

Click 4 cookies: http://tinyurl.com/sneezing4lyfe
12 years, 5 days ago
Post #186887 Re: Youtube Channel and Partnership :D
Ariel posted: (20th Mar 2013, 10:47 pm)

Cool man! Good luck with your channel! I've recently just hit my partnership as well :D
I'm looking forward to checking out your channel, I'm subscribed.
Here is mine so you know who I am :p.

www.youtube.com/fxboxproductions (not sure on how to add my banner yet, I gotta work on that lol)

Thanks Mate :D

To add the Banner Edit your channel layout and on the right change the "0" or "zero" to 150 :D
(Then you will have to map out your buttons so there clickable :D Goodluck to you as well and Sub'd)
Things and stuff go here I guess.
12 years, 5 days ago
Post #186889 Re: Youtube Channel and Partnership :D
Nerah posted: (20th Mar 2013, 10:57 pm)

Ariel posted: (20th Mar 2013, 10:47 pm)

Cool man! Good luck with your channel! I've recently just hit my partnership as well :D
I'm looking forward to checking out your channel, I'm subscribed.
Here is mine so you know who I am :p.

www.youtube.com/fxboxproductions (not sure on how to add my banner yet, I gotta work on that lol)

Thanks Mate :D

To add the Banner Edit your channel layout and on the right change the "0" or "zero" to 150 :D
(Then you will have to map out your buttons so there clickable :D Goodluck to you as well and Sub'd)

ouuuh, thanks xD, I'm switching to the new updated theme though and editing from there.
Click 4 cookies: http://tinyurl.com/sneezing4lyfe
12 years, 5 days ago
Post #186895 Re: Youtube Channel and Partnership :D

Good luck Nerah with your channel if you ever need that little push visit: http://theyoutubecommunity.com/forums/

They have stuff like (Sub 4 Sub) and (Like 4 Like) helps alot if your videos are struggling for likes/views

And its not all based on 1 game etc it's based on every youtube video possible!

"Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive."
12 years, 5 days ago
Post #186900 Re: Youtube Channel and Partnership :D

What exactly are these partnerships you speak of?

Andrewbob - I would be on the fucking copter of rofls

Programmer, Web Developer, and Graphics Designer
12 years, 5 days ago
Post #186901 Re: Youtube Channel and Partnership :D

Go Nerah! Congrats on the partnership :)

12 years, 5 days ago
Post #186904 Re: Youtube Channel and Partnership :D

Thanks Everyone!
and Wild a Youtube Partnership is a network that helps broadcast your channel and videos, they also have other benefits. 

Things and stuff go here I guess.
12 years, 5 days ago
Post #186905 Re: Youtube Channel and Partnership :D
Nerah posted: (21st Mar 2013, 01:03 am)

Thanks Everyone!
and Wild a Youtube Partnership is a network that helps broadcast your channel and videos, they also have other benefits. 

Ahhh cool :D
Andrewbob - I would be on the fucking copter of rofls

Programmer, Web Developer, and Graphics Designer
12 years, 5 days ago
Post #186907 Re: Youtube Channel and Partnership :D

Ive subscribed to both you and Ariel! 

Both of you can you please help me with my own youtube channel ?

If so pm me on here or skype name xeph.12 , thanks for some awesome inspiration by seeing you two soar. 1000 hits Ariel is very impressive! 

Excellent info Standard 

http://www.youtube.com/user/MrXephino this is my channel any tips or help would be so beneficial to me and my server thanks ;)

My facebook group page -


12 years, 5 days ago
Post #186909 Re: Youtube Channel and Partnership :D
XEPHINO posted: (21st Mar 2013, 01:50 am)

Ive subscribed to both you and Ariel! 

Both of you can you please help me with my own youtube channel ?

If so pm me on here or skype name xeph.12 , thanks for some awesome inspiration by seeing you two soar. 1000 hits Ariel is very impressive!

I've had my channel for over 3 years to get most of the views/subs I have, and I'm not to great with them. I still need help from friends from now and again, I suggest searching it on you tube, (that's what I did) mostly all I can say is to upload often and put up content either people will be interested in (big audience) or something people are currently searching for. Also, a tip I have is Don't use any of that sub4sub stuff, because you want really subscribers and views not fake.
Click 4 cookies: http://tinyurl.com/sneezing4lyfe
12 years, 5 days ago
Post #186911 Re: Youtube Channel and Partnership :D
Ariel posted: (21st Mar 2013, 01:54 am)

XEPHINO posted: (21st Mar 2013, 01:50 am)

Ive subscribed to both you and Ariel! 

Both of you can you please help me with my own youtube channel ?

If so pm me on here or skype name xeph.12 , thanks for some awesome inspiration by seeing you two soar. 1000 hits Ariel is very impressive!

I've had my channel for over 3 years to get most of the views/subs I have, and I'm not to great with them. I still need help from friends from now and again, I suggest searching it on you tube, (that's what I did) mostly all I can say is to upload often and put up content either people will be interested in (big audience) or something people are currently searching for. Also, a tip I have is Don't use any of that sub4sub stuff, because you want really subscribers and views not fake.

Well currently I am trying to add your videos and Nerahs to a playlist I am making called EO Private server owners and content creators but I've not figured out how just yet ?
12 years, 5 days ago
Post #186922 Re: Youtube Channel and Partnership :D

Hey Nerah, I enjoy seeing your progress on Mashed Up as well as the videos of you playing happy wheels xD I'll def sub! 

On a side note, I need to organize my YouTube channel D: I want it to be videos of tutorials of either pixeling or photoshopping >.< and random vids of Aureus stuff.

BTW! My YouTube channel that's still under construction! 

12 years, 5 days ago
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EOSERV Forum > Lounge > Youtube Channel and Partnership :D