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Endless Online FaceHack
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Post #186595 Endless Online FaceHack

So guys - how does it work in technical terms? ;o I wanted to add it to EODev as a little play around feature. :) 

11 years, 41 weeks ago
Post #186598 Re: Endless Online FaceHack

emote player commands would be cool. Ex. Smile = num 1 = /smile.

11 years, 41 weeks ago
Post #186600 Re: Endless Online FaceHack

i do not know the terms but if you add something like the eo face emotes. i would say make it so different races or skins that are different height can have there emotes too.

in eo, the emote face  just overlays over the skin but not the head gear. and basically are set to the original skin height. if your client will support many types of hero's "skins and races" there is a need for a option to set the emote face height.

hope to see this project grow. and watching for npc movements

Think Outside The Box.

..............Skids in my Undies........
...............Cut And Paste............
11 years, 41 weeks ago
Post #186601 Re: Endless Online FaceHack

Does ANYONE know what I'm talking about :(?

11 years, 41 weeks ago
Post #186602 Re: Endless Online FaceHack

whats the answer your looking for. code packets? how its drawn in and overlayed?

i thought you wanted to know how eo made the emote over the player.

im confused places foot in mouth.:)

Think Outside The Box.

..............Skids in my Undies........
...............Cut And Paste............
11 years, 41 weeks ago
Post #186603 Re: Endless Online FaceHack

Hahah noooo - Theres a specific hack on EO called the Facehack that either turns your character invisible or changes it's skin color, serversided that I wanted to mess with in EODev haha :P

Edit: Oh never mind - I seem to have figured it out :p

11 years, 41 weeks ago
Post #186605 Re: Endless Online FaceHack
hotdog posted: (16th Mar 2013, 05:17 am)

Hahah noooo - Theres a specific hack on EO called the Facehack that either turns your character invisible or changes it's skin color, serversided that I wanted to mess with in EODev haha :P

Edit: Oh never mind - I seem to have figured it out :p

Yeah, I knew exactly what you were talking about lol. If I remember correctly, you could use either cheat engine or wpe to achieve this.
Andrewbob - I would be on the fucking copter of rofls

Programmer, Web Developer, and Graphics Designer
11 years, 41 weeks ago
Post #186620 Re: Endless Online FaceHack

Has to do with fudging your race. F12 seems to break any such fudgery though.

11 years, 41 weeks ago
Post #186631 Re: Endless Online FaceHack
Apollo posted: (16th Mar 2013, 06:34 pm)

Has to do with fudging your race. F12 seems to break any such fudgery though.

Well from what I've gathered it does a little more, after enabling the facehack on my character and logging out, I can log back in on a normal unedited client and still be affected by the facehack. If I try to move though and I simply get refreshed back to where I was standing. However logging in on EODev I found that the server sent me some really strange paperdoll ID's after enabling the facehack. In addition my guild tag was changed from SC to "●SC" :p
11 years, 41 weeks ago
Post #186633 Re: Endless Online FaceHack

Did you close the client completely? It seems you have broken that packet all to shit. Probably have a fish with orc smileys or something.

11 years, 41 weeks ago
Post #186634 Re: Endless Online FaceHack

LOL probably, and yes I did :s I really wanted to try Jimmy's proxy but I can't find a download for that anywhere. Right now I'm going on Plasma proxy source :s

11 years, 41 weeks ago
Post #186635 Re: Endless Online FaceHack

It's not really a big deal tbh. You can fudge a character avatar, but most likely it will be on your client alone. Not very useful and much more complicated than just patching the skin gfx.

11 years, 41 weeks ago
Post #186869 Re: Endless Online FaceHack

You have to "fudge" (As Apollo says) the facing direction byte in the attack/walk packets to 255 (254 too maybe?) before you send it to the client. Hit refresh to see results. Sorry I can't explain it better, but it's been so long since I messed with all this.

Edit: Don't remember if Vult-r fixed this or not.

Wish upon a star!
11 years, 41 weeks ago
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