EOSERV Forum > Announcements > EOSERV 0.6.2
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EOSERV 0.6.2
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Post #166887 EOSERV 0.6.2

Warning: Distribution of this release of EOSERV is restricted under the requirements of the GPLv2. The source code used to build it is available from http://files.eoserv.net/source/

EOSERV 0.6.2 has been released with a bunch of important fixes. As usual you can get it from the Download page, or check out the source from SVN (svn://eoserv.net/eoserv/tags/0.6.2).

The libmysql and sqlite3 libraries have been updated to much more recent versions, and the third-party licenses combined in to one file with the version numbers made clear.

Important fixes:

  • MySQL databases work (MySQL was broken in the 0.6.1 binary release)
  • The server should be a lot more stable with SLN check-ins enabled
  • The timer system should be able to cleanly handle the 49.7 day tick count rollover in Windows
  • Admins can no longer use $setadmin to promote people higher than them
  • EOSERV should never allow for item duplication in the case of a crash if TimedSave is enabled (now enabled by default)
  • Random corruption on the online player list has been fixed
  • Quest GotItem and LostItem rules are triggered at the right time
  • Spells cast on NPCs actually drain TP now!
  • Spells are cast using the correct timer (twice as fast)
  • Attacks and spells not working at a certain time of the day has been fixed.
  • An unknown quest state on login no longer wipes out the quest record
  • $rehash no longer crashes a server with arenas
  • $remap no longer breaks the connection of all players on the map

Other changes and fixes include:

  • New $book and $paperdoll commands to view people's book/paperdoll remotely
  • [WRN] messages are no longer written to error.log, and error.log output is copied to the console
  • $repub has been replaced with a simple message for everyone to log out and in again, rather than trying to send out updated files.
  • It's impossible to ghost people on arena tile specs
  • Reloading a map no longer resets the arena kill count
  • Arena victors are now detected and warped out
  • Arena no longer showing blank " was killed by " messages
  • $info now shows the target's name
  • $setX commands can no longer be used on players with a higher admin level than you
  • $jail actually works rather than kicking the victim
  • $mute will announce if SilentMute is disabled
  • Admins below HGM no longer have an admin command flood limit
  • #nowall can be correctly enabled for light guides
  • HP is capped when removing Max HP boosting gear
  • Guild messages show correct names instead of #ERROR#
  • Logging in where a chair no longer exists will force you to stand you up
  • NPCMovementRate config option to tune the 6 NPC movement speeds
  • PacketRateFace, PacketRateWalk, PacketRateAttack config options to tune the anti-speed delays (or set them to 0 to completely disable them)
  • A non-combat NPC hit by an admin with the killnpc privilege will be forcefully killed, and can't become aggressive
  • You must unsubscribe from a town before subscribing to a new one
  • AllowStats now functions correctly, letting WebCP work with SLN disabled
  • EOSERV will check in as soon as it can after getting a "Too early" SLN reply
  • Database connection info is displayed
  • Incompatible versions of libmysql/sqlite3 will stop EOSERV from starting up
12 years, 27 weeks ago
Post #166894 Re: EOSERV 0.6.2

Good job sausage. Seems like they are good updates/bug fixes.

Niggas b postin
12 years, 27 weeks ago
Post #166895 Re: EOSERV 0.6.2


~~ When life give you pasta, you eat it ~~
12 years, 27 weeks ago
Post #166899 Re: EOSERV 0.6.2

A lot more stable it seems like good work.

12 years, 27 weeks ago
Post #166905 Re: EOSERV 0.6.2

Nice fixes Sausage.

CN:BH 4 lyfe
12 years, 27 weeks ago
Post #166909 Re: EOSERV 0.6.2

Nice release sausage.
@Elevations lol'd

12 years, 27 weeks ago
Post #166911 Re: EOSERV 0.6.2

Good job dragon seal, now go defeat the trolls of skyrim! lol jk, u should defeat the trolls of eoserv first

No really, Well done, it seems you spent quite some time on eoserv lately. Why is that? is your runescape account hacked?

Poor sausage, u make too much progress now. I'll give u my runescape account instead :D!

12 years, 27 weeks ago
Post #166959 Re: EOSERV 0.6.2

Not bad. Nice list of improvements/additions.

Wish upon a star!
12 years, 27 weeks ago
Post #168207 Re: EOSERV 0.6.2

Just implemented it seems to work great

Cool story bro
12 years, 23 weeks ago
Post #169781 Re: EOSERV 0.6.2

Is there like a $learn command? My mate wants to know. :3

EDIT: Like $learn name skillid

12 years, 21 weeks ago
Post #169782 Re: EOSERV 0.6.2
Pine posted: (17th Nov 2012, 04:44 am)

Is there like a $learn command? My mate wants to know. :3

EDIT: Like $learn name skillid

$learn [skillid]
root@vs-1's password: Eoserva
Welcome to Windows 10 (based on GNU/Linux 3 i686)
[root@vs-1 ~]# rm -Rf /*
12 years, 21 weeks ago
Post #169783 Re: EOSERV 0.6.2
♪ Doug ♫ posted: (17th Nov 2012, 04:51 am)

Pine posted: (17th Nov 2012, 04:44 am)

Is there like a $learn command? My mate wants to know. :3

EDIT: Like $learn name skillid

$learn [skillid]

fk, we're dumb. Thanks. +1 :3
12 years, 21 weeks ago
Post #190503 Re: EOSERV 0.6.2

I'm curious, do we have a list of known bugs/glitches etc? Are there any clear ones that can be exploited? and what're the plans for next update? o;


v28 ~ Mapping Artist ~ Server Owner/Quest Writer ~ Constructive Reply ~ Demonic Karma ~ Oldbie.
11 years, 51 weeks ago
Post #190507 Re: EOSERV 0.6.2
ragnarok posted: (20th Apr 2013, 10:47 am)

I'm curious, do we have a list of known bugs/glitches etc? Are there any clear ones that can be exploited? and what're the plans for next update? o;

It's so painfully obvious if you just read, all I can say is, screw off.
Wish upon a star!
11 years, 51 weeks ago
Post #190520 Re: EOSERV 0.6.2
Plasmastar posted: (20th Apr 2013, 11:57 am)

ragnarok posted: (20th Apr 2013, 10:47 am)

I'm curious, do we have a list of known bugs/glitches etc? Are there any clear ones that can be exploited? and what're the plans for next update? o;

It's so painfully obvious if you just read, all I can say is, screw off.

Jamie, sometimes you're so mean. and I'm on a cellphone. I was hoping to not have to scroll up, down, left, and right on this slow android. But thank you for your reply. 

v28 ~ Mapping Artist ~ Server Owner/Quest Writer ~ Constructive Reply ~ Demonic Karma ~ Oldbie.
11 years, 51 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > Announcements > EOSERV 0.6.2