EOSERV Forum > Seose > webcp-2 on webs.com
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webcp-2 on webs.com
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Post #8777 webcp-2 on webs.com

Hey everyone. i know this is gonna be probably the newbiest question iv asked about eoserv/seose ever xD

But im trying to make a website for my server. and i wanna use webcp-2 for it. But im a complete newb when it comes to web desighn or whatever.

So i have no idea how to add webcp to my webs.com site.

Could someone please throw some help my way?

i would REALLY appreciate it.


15 years, 41 weeks ago
Post #8778 Re: webcp-2 on webs.com

First of all, WebCP isn't for Seose, dunno why you'd post it in this forum.

And no, webs.com won't be able to host WebCP, get a real host. WebCP should be running on the same server as the EO server anyway.

15 years, 41 weeks ago
Post #8779 Re: webcp-2 on webs.com

Well is'nt webcp just a site template for an eo server site?

And what do you mean running on the same server as the game server?

15 years, 41 weeks ago
Post #8780 Re: webcp-2 on webs.com

No, WebCP is exactly what it's name says, a web control panel for EOSERV.

And I mean exactly what I said, WebCP should run on the EO server host unless you can put up with remote SQL queries on every page-load.

15 years, 41 weeks ago
Post #8781 Re: webcp-2 on webs.com

Oh. i see.

I had it insanely wrong x[

i thought webcp was the site template for the generic eo site that everyone was using to make their website for their servers.

So basically webcp is not used for a website at all. its for the server?

15 years, 41 weeks ago
Post #8783 Re: webcp-2 on webs.com

If you want I can make a site like my: http://adrian-eo.tk/

And you can tell me what to put on it:). my e-mail : little_blue_snow@ymail.com let a message here or tell me on there if you like and if wanna get 1. Tell me what you need on it.

15 years, 41 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > Seose > webcp-2 on webs.com