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Port Forwarding Guide
Hello, My name is Desirable and I will show you how to forward your ports. This tutorial may not make sense because im using BTHomeHub2 and you may use others.
15 years, 35 weeks ago
Intro:: Forwarding ports may not sound important but it's essential if you want to make a public server for everyone to enjoy. Step 1. Type your external IP into the address bar. Please PM me with the router type if it doesn't work. Step 2. Click on settings, then login. If you have either lost, or forgot your password. You must press the "Reset to Defaults" button on the side of your Router. Don't worry, it wont break the router but you might have to re-enable some stuff. Step 3. When your on settings, click Advanced Settings and the click Continue to Advanced Settings Step 4. Click the Application Sharing link near the top of the page. You should now see a new menu. In this new menu, click Supported Applications. Step 5. Click the Add new game or application button near the center of the page. Step 6. We will list a series of lines here that will show you exactly how to forward the ports you need to forward. Seose requires you to forward the 8078 ports. Step 7. Enter in the information shown below: CLICK APPLY Step 8. Now, click back on Supported Applications and click Add new game or application again. Step 9. Enter in the information shown below: Step 9. Now click on Configuration. Use the scoll down box and find EO Server (FTP) and select the device (Computer) to apply the changes to. And do the same for EO Server (UDP) End Like I said, this guide was for BTHoneHub2 mainly, but some features may be the same on other routers. Go to to find out how to forward ports using other routers. Thank you Edited by Scott: Please scale your images or post a link to them. I've fixed your post.
Re: Port Forwarding Guide
| There is no reason to forward the UDP port. EOSERV/Seose doesn't use UDP.
Re: Port Forwarding Guide
SLN: No Server Could Connect To Server Connection Timed Out Please Help ME!! (Btw My Servers Up) Lol R U Kidding Scott U Minusd Me 4 Tht Lol Thts Something 2 Point Out Now Minus
Re: Port Forwarding Guide
| hey i need help with mine it doesnt have the same categoris as his, mines a Belkin router F5D7234-4
Re: Port Forwarding Guide
| Nevermind figured it out xD. Hurleydude: Go to this site - Find your modem, click it. It'll then say "If you do not see the program you are forwarding ports for, be sure to visit our Default Guide for this router" <---Click "Default Guide". It'll then say "By default the ip address should be set to" down the bottom of all the writing. If it doesn't have those exact numbers, copy the ones it does have, and paste it into your address bar ( for example), hit Enter. It'll then come up with your Modems firewall settings. Follow the instructions on on how to configure your modem until you're done. Good luck :P
Re: Port Forwarding Guide
| I CANT GET IT WRKIN HELP MEWhat did i do wrong when i find my netgear router and put it in i cant get the username and pass right help me
Re: Port Forwarding Guide
| default pass is password and user is admin
Re: Port Forwarding Guide
| Robochafe posted: (5th Jan 2010 09:02 pm) Angry? Pretty big letters... Anyways, Try these usernames "Admin" "1234" "username" and these passwords "Admin" "1234" "*none*" *no password! if noone works then you need check your manual for router what it says or ask from owner of router ("Probably your parents or something") if you own it then you should know it! --- Eoserv classes: Forum ghost, test player, ex-server owner, TOP 50, mapper & an oldbie
Re: Port Forwarding Guide
| Also default data might be:
Re: Port Forwarding Guide
| OmG Mine Won't Work its says its taking too long to load soo it stops Plz HELP (btw its a BTHomeHub2)
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