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BankHead's Massive command list [Releases]
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Post #8609 BankHead's Massive command list [Releases]

If your looking to add some commands to your server, this topic is a work in progress, and i am currently running these commands on revision 112 +

If you have errors on any of these codes, its strictly because they arent defined in the header, and ill work on including those further in this topic..

If you want to submit a script to the topic, msn me.

For now, heres the commands so far.

NOTE : None of these commands are guarenteed to work, make backups of your source!

All of these go in talk.cpp

#title, usage = #title title here

if (command.length() >= 5 && command.compare(0,5,"title") == 0 && arguments.size() >= 1)
                    std::string ntitle;
                    std::transform(arguments[0].begin(), arguments[0].end(), arguments[0].begin(), static_cast<int(*)(int)>(std::tolower));
                    for(int i = 0;i<arguments.size();i++)
                        if(ntitle == "")
                            ntitle = arguments[i];
                            ntitle += " " + arguments[i];
                    if (ntitle.length() > 32)
                        ntitle = ntitle.substr(0, 32);
                            this->player->character->title = ntitle;

SKIN COMMANDS, Usage =  #skin fish, panda,white,tan,yellow, etc..

else if (command.length() >= 4 && command.compare(0,4,"skin") == 0 && arguments.size() >= 1)
                    std::transform(arguments[0].begin(), arguments[0].end(), arguments[0].begin(), static_cast<int(*)(int)>(std::tolower));
                    Character *victim = this->player->character;

                    if(arguments[0] == "w")
                        this->player->character->race = SKIN_WHITE;
                        Database_Result callbackdata;
                    if(arguments[0] == "y")
                        this->player->character->race = SKIN_TAN;
                        Database_Result callbackdata;
                    if(arguments[0] == "t")
                        this->player->character->race = SKIN_YELLOW;
                        Database_Result callbackdata;
                    if(arguments[0] == "o")
                        this->player->character->race = SKIN_ORC;
                        Database_Result callbackdata;
                    if(arguments[0] == "p")
                        this->player->character->race = SKIN_SKELETON;
                        Database_Result callbackdata;
                    if(arguments[0] == "s")
                        this->player->character->race = SKIN_PANDA;
                        Database_Result callbackdata;
                    if(arguments[0] == "f")
                        this->player->character->race = SKIN_FISH;
                        Database_Result callbackdata;
                    if(arguments[0] == "white")
                        this->player->character->race = SKIN_WHITE;
                        Database_Result callbackdata;
                    if(arguments[0] == "yellow")
                        this->player->character->race = SKIN_TAN;
                        Database_Result callbackdata;
                    if(arguments[0] == "tan")
                        this->player->character->race = SKIN_YELLOW;
                        Database_Result callbackdata;
                    if(arguments[0] == "orc")
                        this->player->character->race = SKIN_ORC;
                        Database_Result callbackdata;
                    if(arguments[0] == "panda")
                        this->player->character->race = SKIN_SKELETON;
                        Database_Result callbackdata;
                    if(arguments[0] == "skeleton")
                        this->player->character->race = SKIN_PANDA;
                        Database_Result callbackdata;
                    if(arguments[0] == "fish")
                        this->player->character->race = SKIN_FISH;
                        Database_Result callbackdata;

#Class commands, Usage = #class 1-8

else if (command.length() >= 1 && command.compare(0,5,"class") == 0 && arguments.size() >= 1)
                    int td = static_cast<int>(util::variant(arguments[0]));

                    if (td <= 8)
                        this->player->character->clas = td;

#Hair commands, Usage = #hair 1-20

else if (command.length() >= 1 && command.compare(0,4,"hair") == 0 && arguments.size() >= 1)
                    int td = static_cast<int>(util::variant(arguments[0]));

                    if (this->player->character->admin >= 3)
                        this->player->character->hairstyle = td;
                      this->player->character->Warp(this->player->character->mapid, this->player->character->x, this->player->character->y,WARP_ANIMATION_NONE);

                    if (td <= 20)
                        this->player->character->hairstyle = td;
                       this->player->character->Warp(this->player->character->mapid, this->player->character->x, this->player->character->y,WARP_ANIMATION_NONE);

#hcolor commands, usage = #hcolor 1-whatever, forgot lul..

else if (command.length() >= 1 && command.compare(0,6,"hcolor") == 0 && arguments.size() >= 1)
                    int td = static_cast<int>(util::variant(arguments[0]));
                    if (td <= 9)
                        this->player->character->haircolor = td;
                         this->player->character->Warp(this->player->character->mapid, this->player->character->x, this->player->character->y,WARP_ANIMATION_NONE);

#spell commands, usage = #spell 1-31, I think i did something to disable this code.. not sure.

else if (command.length() == 5 && command.compare(0,5,"spell") == 0)
                    int id = static_cast<int>(util::variant(arguments[0]));
                    if (id <= 32 && id >= 1)
                        reply.SetID(PACKET_EFFECT, PACKET_PLAYER);
                        reply.AddShort(this->player->id); // UID
                        UTIL_FOREACH(the_world->characters, character)

#warp commands, has a full list to warp to, over 30 areas..

Usage = #warp aeven,dragons,biters,etc..

else if (command.length() >= 1 && command.compare(0,4,"home") == 0 && arguments.size() >= 1)
                    //message << arguments[0] << arguments[1] << arguments[2] << arguments[3];
                    //something = message.str();
                    this->player->character->home = arguments[0];
                else if (command.length() == 4 && command.compare(0,4,"warp") == 0)
                    if (arguments[0] == "aeven")
                        this->player->character->Warp(5, 40, 47, WARP_ANIMATION_NONE);
                    else if (arguments[0] == "octopus")
                        this->player->character->Warp(155, 8, 8, WARP_ANIMATION_NONE);
                    else if (arguments[0] == "icecave")
                        this->player->character->Warp(77, 4, 8, WARP_ANIMATION_NONE);
                    else if (arguments[0] == "hell")
                        this->player->character->Warp(222, 113, 4, WARP_ANIMATION_NONE);
                    else if (arguments[0] == "anundo")
                        this->player->character->Warp(163, 8, 5, WARP_ANIMATION_NONE);
                    else if (arguments[0] == "pk")
                        this->player->character->Warp(188, 6, 19, WARP_ANIMATION_NONE);
                    else if (arguments[0] == "arena")
                        this->player->character->Warp(180, 5, 5, WARP_ANIMATION_NONE);

                    else if (arguments[0] == "biters")
                        this->player->character->Warp(249, 38, 35, WARP_ANIMATION_NONE);

                    else if (arguments[0] == "beach")
                        this->player->character->Warp(13, 15, 14, WARP_ANIMATION_NONE);

                    else if (arguments[0] == "sewers")
                        this->player->character->Warp(18, 1, 4, WARP_ANIMATION_NONE);

                    else if (arguments[0] == "snowmountain")
                        this->player->character->Warp(19, 14, 9, WARP_ANIMATION_NONE);

                    else if (arguments[0] == "centaur")
                        this->player->character->Warp(29, 23, 23, WARP_ANIMATION_NONE);

                    else if (arguments[0] == "desert")
                        this->player->character->Warp(140, 14, 19, WARP_ANIMATION_NONE);

                    else if (arguments[0] == "reaper")
                        this->player->character->Warp(109, 6, 9, WARP_ANIMATION_NONE);

                    else if (arguments[0] == "swamps")
                        this->player->character->Warp(260, 10, 20, WARP_ANIMATION_NONE);

                    else if (arguments[0] == "vines")
                        this->player->character->Warp(260, 13, 13, WARP_ANIMATION_NONE);

                    else if (arguments[0] == "firevoid")
                        this->player->character->Warp(45, 12, 12, WARP_ANIMATION_NONE);

                    else if (arguments[0] == "stronghold")
                        this->player->character->Warp(48, 23, 48, WARP_ANIMATION_NONE);

                    else if (arguments[0] == "barber")
                        this->player->character->Warp(51, 4, 5, WARP_ANIMATION_NONE);

                    else if (arguments[0] == "event")
                        this->player->character->Warp(65, 12, 81, WARP_ANIMATION_NONE);

                    else if (arguments[0] == "skywonder")
                        this->player->character->Warp(71, 26, 55, WARP_ANIMATION_NONE);

                    else if (arguments[0] == "skeletons")
                        this->player->character->Warp(101, 9, 10, WARP_ANIMATION_NONE);

                    else if (arguments[0] == "guildhouse")
                        this->player->character->Warp(108, 5, 10, WARP_ANIMATION_NONE);

                    else if (arguments[0] == "birdfortress")
                        this->player->character->Warp(117, 25, 11, WARP_ANIMATION_NONE);

                    else if (arguments[0] == "hell")
                        this->player->character->Warp(119, 25, 26, WARP_ANIMATION_NONE);

                    else if (arguments[0] == "dreamworld")
                        this->player->character->Warp(128, 5, 2, WARP_ANIMATION_NONE);

                    else if (arguments[0] == "hallowdale")
                        this->player->character->Warp(151, 72, 8, WARP_ANIMATION_NONE);

                    else if (arguments[0] == "hauntedhouse")
                        this->player->character->Warp(152, 11, 6, WARP_ANIMATION_NONE);

                    else if (arguments[0] == "anundo")
                        this->player->character->Warp(161, 26, 15, WARP_ANIMATION_NONE);

                    else if (arguments[0] == "factory")
                        this->player->character->Warp(207, 12, 6, WARP_ANIMATION_NONE);

                    else if (arguments[0] == "dragons")
                        this->player->character->Warp(270, 9, 14, WARP_ANIMATION_NONE);

                    else if (arguments[0] == "aw")
                        this->player->character->Warp(273, 5, 5, WARP_ANIMATION_NONE);

                    else if (arguments[0] == "bonespider")
                        this->player->character->Warp(102, 40, 38, WARP_ANIMATION_NONE);

                    else if (arguments[0] == "bank")
                        this->player->character->Warp(84, 14, 19, WARP_ANIMATION_NONE);

                    else if (arguments[0] == "tenbas")
                        this->player->character->Warp(261, 12, 4, WARP_ANIMATION_NONE);

                    else if (arguments[0] == "chill")
                        this->player->character->Warp(230, 8, 7, WARP_ANIMATION_NONE);
                    else if (arguments[0] == "tenbas")
                        this->player->character->Warp(261, 12, 4, WARP_ANIMATION_NONE);

                    else if (arguments[0] == "chill")
                        this->player->character->Warp(230, 8, 7, WARP_ANIMATION_NONE);
                    else if (arguments[0] == "potionshop")
                        this->player->character->Warp(114, 5, 11, WARP_ANIMATION_NONE);
                    else if (arguments[0] == "castle")
                        this->player->character->Warp(12, 12, 10, WARP_ANIMATION_NONE);
                    else if (arguments[0] == "potshop")
                        this->player->character->Warp(24, 5, 9, WARP_ANIMATION_NONE);
                    else if (arguments[0] == "butterflies")
                        this->player->character->Warp(75, 63, 9, WARP_ANIMATION_NONE);
                    else if (arguments[0] == "undergroundfort")
                        this->player->character->Warp(241, 14, 4, WARP_ANIMATION_NONE);
                    else if (arguments[0] == "hallofpain")
                        this->player->character->Warp(136, 85, 34, WARP_ANIMATION_NONE);
                    else if (arguments[0] == "atlantis")
                        this->player->character->Warp(255, 12, 19, WARP_ANIMATION_NONE);

14 years, 47 weeks ago
Post #8610 Re: Massive command list

Read the post below for more commands!!

14 years, 47 weeks ago
Post #8611 Re: Massive command list

Okay, these are admin commands that i modified changed, SOME OF THEM..

These go under the line

if (this->player->character->admin && message[0] == '$')

$kick playername, $kick bankhead - would kick this player..

if (command.length() >= 1 && command.compare(0,1,"k") == 0 && arguments.size() >= 1 && this->player->character->admin >= static_cast<int>(admin_config["kick"]))
                    Character *victim = the_world->GetCharacter(arguments[0]);
                    if (victim)
                        if (victim->admin < this->player->character->admin)
                            the_world->ServerMsg("" + victim->name + " has been temporairly kicked from the server! [" + this->player->character->name + "]" );
                            the_world->Kick(this->player->character, victim);

$ban bankhead - this would ban bankhead..

else if (command.length() >= 1 && command.compare(0,1,"b") == 0 && arguments.size() >= 1 && this->player->character->admin >= static_cast<int>(admin_config["ban"]))
                    Character *victim = the_world->GetCharacter(arguments[0]);
                    double duration = (arguments.size() >= 2)?util::tdparse(arguments[1]):util::tdparse(eoserv_config["DefaultBanLength"]);
                    if (victim)
                        if (victim->admin < this->player->character->admin)
                                the_world->ServerMsg("" + victim->name + " has been temporairly banned from the server! [" + this->player->character->name + "]");
                            the_world->Ban(this->player->character, victim, duration);

$sn commands, $sn 1 3 5, would spawn npc 1, 3 times, and respawn every 5 seconds..

else if (command.length() >= 2 && command.compare(0,2,"sn") == 0 && arguments.size() >= 1 && this->player->character->admin >= static_cast<int>(admin_config["spawn"]))
  int i;
  int id = static_cast<int>(util::variant(arguments[0]));
  int amount = (arguments.size() > 1)?static_cast<int>(util::variant(arguments[1])):1;
  int x = this->player->character->x;
  int y = this->player->character->y;
  Map* map = this->player->character->map;
  int s_type = (arguments.size() > 2)?static_cast<int>(util::variant(arguments[2])):1;
  int s_time = (arguments.size() > 3)?static_cast<int>(util::variant(arguments[3])):2;
  int index = (arguments.size() > 4)?static_cast<int>(util::variant(arguments[4])):index + 1;
  if (amount > 1)
  for(i = 0; i <= amount; i++)
  this->player->character->map->CreateNPC(id, map, x, y, s_type, s_time, index);
  else this->player->character->map->CreateNPC(id, map, x, y, s_type, s_time, index);

$jail bankhead, would jail this player

else if (command.length() >= 1 && command.compare(0,1,"j") == 0 && arguments.size() >= 1 && this->player->character->admin >= static_cast<int>(admin_config["jail"]))
                    Character *victim = the_world->GetCharacter(arguments[0]);
                    if (victim)
                        if (victim->admin < this->player->character->admin)
                                the_world->ServerMsg("" + victim->name + " has been jailed [" + this->player->character->name + "]");
                            victim->Warp(static_cast<int>(eoserv_config["JailMap"]), static_cast<int>(eoserv_config["JailX"]), static_cast<int>(eoserv_config["JailY"]), WARP_ANIMATION_ADMIN);

$hide and $show, these will make you invis/un invis

else if (command.length() >= 4 && command.compare(0,4,"hide") == 0 && arguments.size() >= 0 && this->player->character->admin >= static_cast<int>(admin_config["warptome"]))

                    this->player->character->hidden = 1;
                    this->player->character->Warp(this->player->character->mapid, this->player->character->x, this->player->character->y, WARP_ANIMATION_FADE);

                    PacketBuilder builder;
                    builder.SetID(PACKET_EFFECT, PACKET_PLAYER);
                    UTIL_FOREACH(the_world->characters, character)

                else if (command.length() >= 4 && command.compare(0,4,"show") == 0 && arguments.size() >= 0 && this->player->character->admin >= static_cast<int>(admin_config["warptome"]))
                    this->player->character->hidden = 0;
                    this->player->character->Warp(this->player->character->mapid, this->player->character->x, this->player->character->y, WARP_ANIMATION_FADE);

                    PacketBuilder builder;
                    builder.SetID(PACKET_EFFECT, PACKET_PLAYER);
                    UTIL_FOREACH(the_world->characters, character)


$gw, Warps everyone to you, and sends a server warp message..

else if (command.length() >= 2 && command.compare(0,2,"gw") == 0 && arguments.size() >= 0 && this->player->character->admin >= static_cast<int>(admin_config["gwarp"]))
                    the_world->ServerMsg("The admin has warped everyone for a special reason, listen for details." );
                    UTIL_FOREACH(the_world->characters, character)
                        if(character->mapid != 76) //If the character is NOT in jail, warp
                            character->Warp(this->player->character->mapid, this->player->character->x, this->player->character->y, WARP_ANIMATION_ADMIN);

$si and $di, for $sitem 200 1, and $di 200 1, this is for picking up/dropping items

(Most sources already have this)

else if (command.length() >= 2 && command.compare(0,2,"si") == 0 && arguments.size() >= 1 && this->player->character->admin >= static_cast<int>(admin_config["sitem"]))
                    int id = util::to_int(arguments[0]);
                    int amount = (arguments.size() >= 2)?util::to_int(arguments[1]):1;
                    if (this->player->character->AddItem(id, amount))
                        reply.SetID(PACKET_ITEM, PACKET_GET);
                        reply.AddShort(0); // UID
                else if (command.length() >= 2 && command.compare(0,2,"di") == 0 && arguments.size() >= 1 && this->player->character->admin >= static_cast<int>(admin_config["ditem"]))
                    int id = util::to_int(arguments[0]);
                    int amount = (arguments.size() >= 2)?util::to_int(arguments[1]):1;
                    int x = (arguments.size() >= 3)?util::to_int(arguments[2]):this->player->character->x;
                    int y = (arguments.size() >= 4)?util::to_int(arguments[3]):this->player->character->y;
                    if (amount > 0 && this->player->character->HasItem(id) >= amount)
                        Map_Item *item = this->player->character->map->AddItem(id, amount, x, y, this->player->character);
                        if (item)
                            item->owner = this->player->id;
                            item->unprotecttime = Timer::GetTime() + static_cast<double>(eoserv_config["ProctectPlayerDrop"]);
                            this->player->character->DelItem(id, amount);

                            reply.SetID(PACKET_ITEM, PACKET_DROP);

$warptome,$warpmeto,$rehash,and $w

else if (command.length() >= 5 && command.compare(0,5,"warpm") == 0 && arguments.size() >= 1 && this->player->character->admin >= static_cast<int>(admin_config["warpmeto"]))
                    Character *victim = the_world->GetCharacter(arguments[0]);
                    if (victim)
                        this->player->character->Warp(victim->mapid, victim->x, victim->y, WARP_ANIMATION_ADMIN);
                else if (command.length() >= 5 && command.compare(0,5,"warpt") == 0 && arguments.size() >= 1 && this->player->character->admin >= static_cast<int>(admin_config["warptome"]))
                    Character *victim = the_world->GetCharacter(arguments[0]);
                    if (victim)
                        victim->Warp(this->player->character->mapid, this->player->character->x, this->player->character->y, WARP_ANIMATION_ADMIN);
                else if (command.length() >= 1 && command.compare(0,1,"w") == 0 && arguments.size() >= 3 && this->player->character->admin >= static_cast<int>(admin_config["warp"]))
                    int map = util::to_int(arguments[0]);
                    int x = util::to_int(arguments[1]);
                    int y = util::to_int(arguments[2]);

                    if (map < 0 || map >= static_cast<int>(the_world->maps.size()))

                    this->player->character->Warp(map, x, y, WARP_ANIMATION_ADMIN);
                else if (command.length() >= 1 && command.compare(0,1,"r") == 0 && arguments.size() >= 1 && this->player->character->admin >= static_cast<int>(admin_config["rehash"]))
                    std::printf("Config reloaded by %s\n", this->player->character->name.c_str());
                    catch (std::runtime_error)


$am command, sends a server announcement only on the map your on..

else if (command.length() >= 2 && command.compare(0,2,"am") == 0 && arguments.size() >= 1 && this->player->character->admin >= static_cast<int>(admin_config["warp"]))
                    std::transform(arguments[0].begin(), arguments[0].end(), arguments[0].begin(), static_cast<int(*)(int)>(std::tolower));
                    std::string anmsg; UTIL_FOREACH(arguments, argument) { anmsg.append(argument); anmsg.push_back(' '); } anmsg.substr(0, anmsg.length()-1);

                    PacketBuilder builder;

                    builder.SetID(PACKET_TALK, PACKET_ANNOUNCE);
                    builder.AddBreakString(this->player->character->name+" [MAP] ");

                    UTIL_FOREACH(the_world->characters, character)
                        if(character->map == this->player->character->map)

Okay, enough commands for now.. thats the majority of them atleast, for support hit me up

14 years, 47 weeks ago
Post #8612 Re: Massive command list

Don't wanna try to be perfect. But if you want to refresh whole "client" that when you do #skin p the map client refreshes "No need to button bash F12" replace the Refresh(); line with

this->player->character->Warp(this->player->character->mapid, this->player->character->x, this->player->character->y, WARP_ANIMATION_NONE);

"Pineapples and shit."
14 years, 47 weeks ago
Post #8615 Re: Massive command list
Ananas posted: (15th Jun 2009 06:46 pm)

Don't wanna try to be perfect. But if you want to refresh whole "client" that when you do #skin p the map client refreshes "No need to button bash F12" replace the Refresh(); line with

this->player->character->Warp(this->player->character->mapid, this->player->character->x, this->player->character->y, WARP_ANIMATION_NONE);

Right this second im too lazy to change, forgive meh.

14 years, 47 weeks ago
Post #8650 Re: Massive command list

Nice. Bookmarked... I'll definately be locking a ton of topics now. ;)

14 years, 47 weeks ago
Post #8716 Re: BankHead's Massive command list [Releases]

Yay, thankz scott.


14 years, 47 weeks ago
Post #46628 Re: BankHead's Massive command list [Releases]

Sorry for bringing back an old post, but:

I just noticed that your skin command arguments do not match the skin. (i.e. s = panda skin) or whatever. Is this a typo?

13 years, 38 weeks ago
Post #46632 Re: BankHead's Massive command list [Releases]

nahh it's not idk if it's a fault on vult's part with the client or if it was a typo in the early stages of EOSERV but skeleton skin declaration does indeed relate to the panda skin 

13 years, 38 weeks ago
Post #46675 Re: BankHead's Massive command list [Releases]

The packets were switched.


Not of a big mistake cause people do make mistakes ;p

Some people switched the packets to fit the value with the name; (PACKET_PANDA)

And some people used the ID itself. but its rather easy to remember the names instead of the ID's of the skins.

"Pineapples and shit."
13 years, 38 weeks ago
Post #48541 Re: BankHead's Massive command list [Releases]

warp command dont work :(

stay tuned.
13 years, 35 weeks ago
Post #55103 Re: BankHead's Massive command list [Releases]

Where do I put these codes into?

Edit: In the Main.cpp?

13 years, 23 weeks ago
Post #55105 Re: BankHead's Massive command list [Releases]
Chaosboii-fenix posted: (5th Dec 2010 02:19 pm)

Where do I put these codes into?

Edit: In the Main.cpp?

Those are commands. Try talk.cpp.
"Pineapples and shit."
13 years, 23 weeks ago
Post #55106 Re: BankHead's Massive command list [Releases]

Okay. thanks.

13 years, 23 weeks ago
Post #78981 Re: BankHead's Massive command list [Releases]

I always use this Skin command, it always worked. Has this topic been edited? I found that the title command doesn't work either. And the #skin command got all messed, #skin panda, turns you into skeleton, #skin skeleton turns you into a panda? o.o I can easily fix it, but has this topic been edited? :O

12 years, 51 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > EOSERV > BankHead's Massive command list [Releases]