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Seose's emulator
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Post #8554 Seose's emulator

Can some1 tell me how I fix the archery class bug?Once your archery u still can't eqiup items (scav/bow /fires etc..) also how you double the exp x3 .. x10 ?Idk how to use pub edit ..:( ... and how I ban?

Oh and how to make an npc drop gold? I mean what i put? ItemID=1 ? And how i add to shop crafts:(? and to witch only sell? (i want to make the witch buy not buy and sell xD)

15 years, 41 weeks ago
Post #8565 Re: Seose's emulator

For the witch problem u could just erase all the sell items she has in the npc files. Located in Data I belive. Idk if this will work, but hey, worth a shot ;).
Also, crafting hasn't been put in this version of seose yet, she should be coming out with it soon. :).

15 years, 41 weeks ago
Post #8569 Re: Seose's emulator

I've already did that... but it still appear @,@... anyway now my server lags to hell idk why :| and i'm da only that lags on it/... I can't see the building or the monsters :-s

15 years, 41 weeks ago
Post #8570 Re: Seose's emulator

You have like 500 questions that aren't even organized... Also, use an appropriate topic name... That made no sense at all. Seose means "Sordie's Endless-Online Server Emulator". "Seose's emulator" doesn't quite make sense, you see. Besides the fact, it doesn't describe what the topic isabout.

Question 1: Can some1 tell me how I fix the archery class bug?Once your archery u still can't eqiup items (scav/bow /fires etc..)
Answer 1: You can't fix it. I'm sure Sordie is aware of the bug, if it is infact a bug.

Question 2: also how you double the exp x3 .. x10 ?Idk how to use pub edit ..:(
Answer 2: You would need to use PubEdit. We do not recommend using it though. Its known to corrupt files.

Question 3: ... and how I ban?
Answer 3: Sordie hasn't implemented banning yet. It will added eventually. It's on her ToDo list.

The rest of your post made no sense to me. I'm sure someone else will make sense of it.

Ps. I apologize about the lines... I can't figure out why they are here..

15 years, 41 weeks ago
Post #8581 Re: Seose's emulator

Uh ty... They appear like a answer o.o (quote or sumthin)

15 years, 41 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > Seose > Seose's emulator