EOSERV Forum > Seose > Shops on Seose [Download 2]
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Shops on Seose [Download 2]
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Post #8469 Shops on Seose [Download 2]

Okay I figured I'd help people out, so I'm putting the link to my Seose shops file.

EDIT:: I finished the Anundo shops and they have the correct items, also all the items are set to the trade maximum of 4, like regular Endless. Here's the new link.

Crafting still isn't possible yet. I'll re-upload a new one once it is, and I've finished them.


15 years, 41 weeks ago
Post #8495 Re: Shops on Seose [Download]

Its a pity crafting aint possible yet. =/

but i think this would help a lot of people and save time xD

well done.

15 years, 41 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > Seose > Shops on Seose [Download 2]