EOSERV Forum > Announcements > EOSERV Database Conversion/Upgrade Tool 1.0
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EOSERV Database Conversion/Upgrade Tool 1.0
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Post #123146 EOSERV Database Conversion/Upgrade Tool 1.0

This is a small tool to allow upgrading to versions of EOSERV with a different database format (e.g. 0.5.2 to 0.5.4). So far it only works for SQLite databases but it may support MySQL in future (note that MySQL databases can simply be upgraded via ALTER TABLE commands).

Note that for "downgrades" for databases with more information (e.g. 0.5.4 -> 0.5.2, or a custom distribution -> normal EOSERV versions) there is probably no need for this tool as the databases should be compatible, and EOSERV will leave the extra fields untouched (if you use this tool, however, extra fields will be discarded and lost in the new copy).

Basic usage instructions:

  • Select the old database file to copy from
  • Select a new database file (either an existing database which will be wiped, or a new database).
  • If you are creating a new database file, it will ask you to select the install.sql file for the version you're upgrading to
  • Read over any warnings it gives you and hit enter to begin the process
  • In a few seconds to a few minutes the copy should hopefully be done (depending on the size of your database)

Note: If your database doesn't show up because it doesn't have the ".sdb" file extension, select "All Files" on the open file dialog

13 years, 13 weeks ago
Post #123155 Re: EOSERV Database Conversion/Upgrade Tool 1.0

Nice work sausage ^^

CN:BH 4 lyfe
13 years, 13 weeks ago
Post #123163 Re: EOSERV Database Conversion/Upgrade Tool 1.0

This is a great release. ;)

13 years, 13 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > Announcements > EOSERV Database Conversion/Upgrade Tool 1.0