EOSERV Forum > Seose > SEOSE maps
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SEOSE maps
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Post #8305 SEOSE maps

Hey. i was just wondering. does anyone have a list of the map IDs for seose?

iv tried warping to a lot of maps and most of them either dont work (the whole player screen goes black and have to warp back to a working map)

or i just warp back to map 1 (the start of main land with the boat and sheep)

If anyone could advise me on how to work around this i would really appreciate this.

other than this i think seose is amazing. thanks sordie xD

15 years, 41 weeks ago
Post #8306 Re: SEOSE maps

Make Sure you Type it like this (Example) +goto 12<X Value> 4<Y value> 33<map>. Its Different than EOserv.

15 years, 41 weeks ago
Post #8308 Re: SEOSE maps

here https://eoserv.net/forum/topic/275 and its not like eoserv its +goto x y map not map x y thats most likely why you are going to black screens

15 years, 41 weeks ago
Post #8309 Re: SEOSE maps

AHA! thank you. i have to put the X and Y value before the map value.
Thank you very much. =D

15 years, 41 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > Seose > SEOSE maps