EOSERV Forum > Seose > Help, Brand new seose crashes on character creation
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Help, Brand new seose crashes on character creation
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Post #120148 Help, Brand new seose crashes on character creation

I just downloaded seose from sordie.co.uk and every time I hit okay to create a character it crashes, any help?

EDIT: Found the problem, make sure the home teleportation coordinates in the seose.xini and the default character spawn coordinates go to an actual map you have in your maps folder or it will crash.

13 years, 5 weeks ago
Post #120190 Re: Help, Brand new seose crashes on character creation

Try this:

1. Get eo v.28 MANUAL setup

2.Take the original maps from the game and make a folder in seose called "Maps"

3. Copy and paste the maps

4.Go to EO manual and open the file called Pub copy and paste those to the file called Data

5. Turn on the "seose"


Extra Information       :

To make yourself admin go into data characters and set your admin level, stats, hp, tp, sp, ect.

Hope that helps!

13 years, 5 weeks ago
Post #120196 Re: Help, Brand new seose crashes on character creation

I said I fixed it. Everything you said was useless. 

13 years, 5 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > Seose > Help, Brand new seose crashes on character creation