EOSERV Forum > Seose > How does Seose No-IP work?
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How does Seose No-IP work?
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Post #113780 How does Seose No-IP work?

I have been trying to setup a no-ip for my new seose server I'm making. No youtube videos seem to help much, but if you anyone here could please do so.

Thanks for reading,


13 years, 21 weeks ago
Post #113786 Re: How does Seose No-IP work?

All you have to do is sign into no-ip.com, go to manage hosts, add a new host and BAM you're done. It gives you an alias for you IP address so people can type in name.no-ip.org rather than x.x.x.x It's a lot easier to remember so yeah. Also you might want to download the dynamic update client (DUC) so that if your ip changes (and a lot of them do quite frequently) then the DUC will keep the alias linked to your current IP address :') Hope this helps ~Dan

If money doesn't grow on trees, then why do banks have branches?
13 years, 21 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > Seose > How does Seose No-IP work?