Author | Message | ||||||||||
| ![]() I am sorry but you can't edit much unless you know what you are doing. And you now have special files so people don't know how to edit them. You should make and editor for your files and make it so people can change more or there will be 1 type of server and the is Seose. You should make it so
people can mod it to what they want.
| ![]() Do you not understand what Closed Source is? "Closed source software is software released without making available the source code." Maybe, You can now. SEOSE is very user friendly. You just need to change a few things in the settings file and start it. No databases...
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And to answer your program question so this isn't just a "flame" message. Try using "Notepad++" I'm sure you can find it on Google somewhere! :D
| ![]() well i guess i need to point out some things to you noobs. I have been here much longer than you. I have had a server since they started making them. I am talking about the .xini files and editing them easier with some damn descriptions so you know what your editing.. I know it is closed source
but she can make it so ppl can make it more custom rathen thanwhat she has it as. Am I any more clearer and don't make me write a paragraph just to explain how noobish you sounded right there. O and btw I have a full eo server. Started with sausages base code and worked on it from there. Now stfu
about me not even attempting to have a server. o and btw i wrote this in one paragraph just to be aprick and make you read it all.
| ![]() I need to point out something... samuarix Loghanx Scott Now before you start calling people "noobs", I suggest you take a look at yourself. You're complaining about having to edit an .xini file in a text editor, How much of a NOOB are you? Yes, You are a fucking prick.
| ![]() Yea umm here is a tip there dumbass. My account was deleted. If you look here and look at my post date you will see I have been on here longer than you think. My post is the last post there btw. Also I have been on here since the firstrelease I just never posted cause I got the internet took away. Now stfu. |