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Few questions concerning Seose.
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Post #8014 Few questions concerning Seose.

I have a few questions about Seose, these are my questions:

1- When you die and become "death race" how do you resurrect/revive to your normal character again?

2- Is there a way to change which items new comers should start with? instead of the Peasant and the Normal sword

3- How does Announcebot and Globalbot work? I enabled them but when I type the command and send it, just doesn't work.

4- Does "+spawn" spawns more than 1 NPC? I've tried many ways and all I accomplished was invisible NPCs wandering around

That's it for now, thank you in advance.

15 years, 42 weeks ago
Post #8025 Re: Few questions concerning Seose.

1- When you die and become "death race" how do you resurrect/revive to your normal character again??

U can be a normal character just go to priest then ur normal/

2- Is there a way to change which items new comers should start with? instead of the Peasant and the Normal sword

Yah u can setup it on in default

like this

    Paperdoll = "121,0,0,0,151,0,0,0,27,0,0,0,0,0,0"

    PaperDoll = "121,0,0,0,144,0,0,0,27,0,0,0,0,0,0"


15 years, 42 weeks ago
Post #8030 Re: Few questions concerning Seose.

3. Announcebot:

Normaly the announcebot is called "announcement"

So type "!announcement <msg>" to send the msg as an announcement.


Normaly you are on channel 0

So type "!globalbot <number>" to change your Global chat channel

When you are on channel 4 and another one talks in glb on channel 2, you cant read the glb message because you are on channel 4.

4. Yes. You can only spawn 1 NPC. I have tried some types but it seems like you are only able to spawn 1 NPC.

15 years, 42 weeks ago
Post #8031 Re: Few questions concerning Seose.

Okay, announcebot is a tool used for admins to send random server messages while being able to remain annonymous. Like they could say "!Announce There will be an event shortly." without having to be a rank four admin and directly input it into the server, or using a console command. Global bot only allows you to change your global channel, and your enable/disabling of global itself. If you input "!Globalbot Channel 100" it would put you to global channel 100 and only people that were ON channel 100 would be able to see you typing.


At the moment I don't believe that "+spawn" is capable of spawning one monster at a time, with the invisible monsters, becareful that you check your pub files (If you edit them) because they can currupt your server and cause "black" data to be sent constantly. This is why some people have "invisible" item problems, because they insist on using pub edit, and bending the rules that apply. It's not actually a "stable" program (no offense Rena) and it is capable of horribly currupting your data.

Or actually with your spawn cammand, it could be that you're spawning too many at once, I've seen this happen on my server, so just use your map to kill them, and try a server restart. If that doesn't work, you probably messed with your Pubs.


With "death race" you just have to walk up to a church priest and click him, the admin heal effect will play, and POOF! you're alive! :D

15 years, 42 weeks ago
Post #8060 Re: Few questions concerning Seose.

Ok thank you everyone for answering, this really helped me a lot =] and Loghanx, I didn't change any pub file, the invisible monsters were just there because I tried to spawn more than 1 with the "+spawn" command, but I did thought about using map so I used it and got rind of them ^^

15 years, 42 weeks ago
Post #8557 Re: Few questions concerning Seose.

1- When you die and become "death race" how do you resurrect/revive to your normal character again?

 Delet the command :| or pm the dressbot  ( Ex.: !Dressbot race 6 )

15 years, 41 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > Seose > Few questions concerning Seose.