EOSERV Forum > Seose > Seose (Dead As Disco)
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Seose (Dead As Disco)
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Post #112515 Seose (Dead As Disco)

Would you guys say it's about time to classify Seose as Dead(or outdated)?

Former EOSERV.net Administrator.
13 years, 23 weeks ago
Post #112520 Re: Seose (Dead As Disco)

It's been like that for quite a while now. It doesn't mean people will stop using it, maybe people can't setup EOSERV or find Seose easier and better to use. But it's obviously dead? O.o well a dead project that only few use now a days anyways :P

13 years, 23 weeks ago
Post #112523 Re: Seose (Dead As Disco)

But can we agree that Seose will NOT under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES be revised or rewritten?

Former EOSERV.net Administrator.
13 years, 23 weeks ago
Post #112554 Re: Seose (Dead As Disco)
vanilla posted: (19th Oct 2011, 06:33 am)

But can we agree that Seose will NOT under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES be revised or rewritten?

This has already been established o_O
SEOSE is useful still as an easy-to-use server emulator for noobs. :P
Want to learn to pixel?
13 years, 23 weeks ago
Post #112574 Re: Seose (Dead As Disco)

Then a few words should be said on the Loss of the Seose Project and Sordie's presence.

Former EOSERV.net Administrator.
13 years, 23 weeks ago
Post #112575 Re: Seose (Dead As Disco)
vanilla posted: (19th Oct 2011, 06:33 am)

But can we agree that Seose will NOT under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES be revised or rewritten?

curious topic

you thinking about closing and archiving the SEOSE section or something?
Beware of your thoughts, they become your words. Beware of your words, they become your actions.
Beware of your actions, they become your habits. Beware of your habits, they become your character.
Beware of your character, it becomes your destiny.
- Unknown
13 years, 23 weeks ago
Post #112587 Re: Seose (Dead As Disco)

Nope, but you bet your ass i remember when eoserv was first made and there were no monsters, no shops, no spells, no anything....People had to hardcode everything into it...and it was a very slow process...Then Sordie rewrote eoserv in pascal and it was amazing. Even though it was a simple noob version of eoserv...it was a big deal and i remember being very happy with it when i first tested it.

Former EOSERV.net Administrator.
13 years, 23 weeks ago
Post #112799 Re: Seose (Dead As Disco)

Seose is needed. It's not outdated. It's good for people who want to run a basic server or run one while they begin to code so they can make an Eoserv server without cheating and using a revision.

You're all fags.
13 years, 22 weeks ago
Post #112801 Re: Seose (Dead As Disco)

Er.. i don't think seose is dead at all?

most people use seose simply because it's easier to set up and use.

Why am I still here...
13 years, 22 weeks ago
Post #112804 Re: Seose (Dead As Disco)

But the problem is that seose was never finished. Or even close to finished.

And it will never be finished. or even updated. Therefore the limitations are immense.

Considering theres all those fancy precompiled versions of eoserv such as eovodka and hollows various different revisions i doubt anyone would really bother with seose anymore.

13 years, 22 weeks ago
Post #112810 Re: Seose (Dead As Disco)

As long as seose is alive then eoserv will live if people don't understand or their was no seose people are forced to instantly use eoservs and if they had no hope of using seose or even understanding it then their was no hope for people to use eoserv.

Some people waste alot of time trying to code in stuff for eoserv.

Eventually all the servers out their will die if their is no seose.

13 years, 22 weeks ago
Post #112814 Re: Seose (Dead As Disco)

well some of us have the source still.... hint hint hint ;)

13 years, 22 weeks ago
Post #112816 Re: Seose (Dead As Disco)
dijirocks posted: (20th Oct 2011, 10:04 pm)

well some of us have the source still.... hint hint hint ;)

That makes to of us :p

Lol someone gave me a -1 for my OPINION.

Vanilla this topic is on the wrong section switch to lounge like honestly?? This was the last thing I was expecting from a mod -.-
13 years, 22 weeks ago
Post #112823 Re: Seose (Dead As Disco)

Well I see Seose is for starters and people just starting to learn how to make a server. Eoserv is more advanced and takes little more knowledge, but some do not have that knowledge so they stick with Seose! If you can't setup a Seose server just turn off you computer and do not think aboutmaking one.

Seose has been dead to me for a long time but it does not mean it is bad. It would of been awesome and used more if Sordie finished it.

13 years, 22 weeks ago
Post #112861 Re: Seose (Dead As Disco)

well even if the source was lost. i think its a great tool that can still be used. if some one only wanted to pixel, seose is great for testing gfx. a friend of mine went to Peru for a few months and seose was perfect for her to pixel at night. "all she had to do wasrun the .exe and open eo and bam.she was testing her outfits.

we did'nt have to go threw the setting up the database and mysql. 

so even if its not the greatest ver eoserv at this moment in time. it not useless.and the download and section in eoserver should stay.


Think Outside The Box.

..............Skids in my Undies........
...............Cut And Paste............
13 years, 22 weeks ago
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