
Joined: 8th Jun 2009
Posts: 196
PubEdit v 0.1.2 With Seose
I currently have Renas PubEdit v0.1.2 and am running Seose Due to EOServ problems (Uncompatible with my C:\ Drive)
Anyway. I've been wondering, What can you edit on SEOSE other than classes using PubEdit, As PubEdit was mainly designed and used more Frequently on EOServ based game servers i doubt you can edit much. Any help or Advice would be great, Thanks
15 years, 42 weeks ago

Joined: 3rd Apr 2009
Posts: 2044
Re: PubEdit v 0.1.2 With Seose
PubEdit isn't designed for EOSERV or Seose. It's designed to edit Endless Onlines data files. Unfortunately, it doesn't do this very well. Combine that with the fact that most users have no clue what they are actually doing and it's a disaster waiting to happen. =P
Also, saying EOSERV is " Uncompatible with my C:\ Drive" makes no sense at all.
15 years, 42 weeks ago
Joined: 4th Apr 2009
Posts: 170
Re: PubEdit v 0.1.2 With Seose
as far as using the "pube editor" u can edit and make new items if u do know what u are doing and do not try to push it to the limit on making items that arleady exist, excessive stats ect... and u can make new classes, but the way its set up in seose you might as well not even mess
ps: make sure when u edit something with the "pube editor" you make the last one "eof" if it was already there... do not leave it where it was and make new items below it .. make sure that you put it at the end of the list, otherwise u will screw up your server.....
15 years, 42 weeks ago

Joined: 8th Jun 2009
Posts: 196
Re: PubEdit v 0.1.2 With Seose
i knew th C drive thing was wrong, i was told by my freind and i've figured out the problem is with heidisql rather than the eoserv client itself. what i meant by pubedit being designed for eoserv is that it runs better with eoserv.
Edit : making items with pub editor for seose i have found impossible, the only thing i've confirmed to do is make classes although i dont like to screw around with something i havent used before
15 years, 42 weeks ago
Joined: 4th Apr 2009
Posts: 170
Re: PubEdit v 0.1.2 With Seose
Logitech posted: (8th Jun 2009 09:08 pm)
i knew th C drive thing was wrong, i was told by my freind and i've figured out the problem is with heidisql rather than the eoserv client itself. what i meant by pubedit being designed for eoserv is that it runs better with eoserv.
pubedit wasn't designed for eoserv.. rena made it for her emulator but it will work on any emulator if you know what your doing....
EDIT: lol i guess you already said this sordie...
And to logic you very well can edit item's on seose cause i have many items i made my self on it using seose, eoserve... as long as u keep every thing almost the same as they were and be very aware of what you are editing...
15 years, 42 weeks ago
Joined: 1st Jun 2009
Posts: 46
Re: PubEdit v 0.1.2 With Seose
uhh i want to ask somthing wer can i download the editor thing in wich u guys are talking about ive been looking for it for a while.
15 years, 42 weeks ago
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