EOSERV Forum > Seose > Seose Version 0.2 (release 2)
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Seose Version 0.2 (release 2)
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Post #7932 Seose Version 0.2 (release 2)

I was going to do a lot more work on it at the weekend but never got round to it so I just ended up removing some debug code, compiling and calling my current source 0.2r2 =P


Most of the stuff I've mentioned on the seose twitter should work but don't be shocked if some stuff is bugged as it's compiled right from my working development source.

If you must report bugs please read this first.
1. Make sure it's a real bug and not just an unfinished bit of code.
2. Don't post obvious stuff. If you found it easy, I already know about it.
3. Search as best as possible to make sure you arn't reporting something someone else already has.
4. Detailed information please. "IT DUN WURK!" Isn't helpful.
5. Don't use my MSN for bug reports, feature requests or support. I can be moody and my replies to such contact are often met with discontent. =D

15 years, 42 weeks ago
Post #7934 Re: Seose Version 0.2 (release 2)

Ok one question how do you get out of deathrace?

15 years, 42 weeks ago
Post #7935 Re: Seose Version 0.2 (release 2)
Lifewater posted: (8th Jun 2009 11:30 am)

Ok one question how do you get out of deathrace?

Go to a church, click on a priest. You can also set the deathrace to -1 in the Seose.xini file if you prefer to use the traditional "warp home" method of being dead =P I should really document some of this stuff =D

15 years, 42 weeks ago
Post #7937 Re: Seose Version 0.2 (release 2)

Thank xD :}

15 years, 42 weeks ago
Post #8214 Re: Seose Version 0.2 (release 2)

When will your stat system fully work? :D thats kind of important

15 years, 42 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > Seose > Seose Version 0.2 (release 2)