EOSERV Forum > Seose > GFX not showing up
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GFX not showing up
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Post #107634 GFX not showing up

My client gfx are all where they are supposed to be and all working correctly for me on my computer. I made a copy of my client and gave ppl a link on my website to download it from my dropbox. When you log in onlythe monsters and ground tiles and your character show up. When you hit f12 everything else shows up for me. Everyone else can only see the ground tiles and me when im on, occasionally they can see themselves but when they hit f12 nothin changes. Anybody have any ideas for me?

I also just downloaded my client on my other computer from my website ans one time you log in you can see everything on the map but no items and you cant see yourself. then one time you log on and can see yourself and the armor your wearing but not on ur paperdoll and you cant see anything on the map or items in your inventory.
13 years, 18 weeks ago
Post #107635 Re: GFX not showing up

You've posted this same problem 3 times before. I see one more and I will personally give you a bad rating.

I am an alien and not crazy!
13 years, 18 weeks ago
Post #107987 Re: GFX not showing up

well if someone would help me out it would be real great cuz im completely stumped ive tried everything i can think of and nothin works

13 years, 18 weeks ago
Post #107997 Re: GFX not showing up

Perhaps end of file items.

13 years, 18 weeks ago
Post #108004 Re: GFX not showing up

it simply sounds like you got a bad gfx that everyone is useng like skin/armor or even other equiped items. if it is not centered around one map its got to be a something everyone has. or you got something in the starter items that is wronge and causeng every single player to glitch! hope any of that elps resolve your prob :)

Think Outside The Box.

..............Skids in my Undies........
...............Cut And Paste............
13 years, 18 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > Seose > GFX not showing up