EOSERV Forum > Seose > Unable to make party
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Unable to make party
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Post #106246 Unable to make party

I've set up the Seose, gotten it port forwarded added maps i can use all commands properly except for the party commands. Whether myself or someone else uses the join or invite function for the other person as soon as it is accepted the person accepting it gets booted, i was looking for this subject but every time i search all i can get to show up is stuff about join dates for people on here or almost no results that have nothing to do with it. The error i get is that the packet handler 24-2 failed. I try looking up packet handler 24-2 and I still get nothing.

13 years, 27 weeks ago
Post #106262 Re: Unable to make party

You sure this is in the right section? Your grammar looks to good for you to be running seose =/

13 years, 27 weeks ago
Post #106305 Re: Unable to make party

yes the problem is that using eoserv i seem to have lots of problem getting the server to go up correctly so i was using seose right now and i'm stuck with a packet handler problem and nothing i look up even tells me where i could check that, i can't even find it in any config files to edit it.

13 years, 27 weeks ago
Post #106532 Re: Unable to make party

This is not a problem.In most Seose server i have seen this glitch.First it shows the party member (not all) and then after a while they all disapear but if you look in the online player list.You probally would find poeple in a Party! If it deosn't then i have no idea of what is wrong :D Hope this made you understand why that is happening. I don't know how to fix this but it not really a big thing to worry about!

13 years, 26 weeks ago
Post #106533 Re: Unable to make party

Possibly a changable function in Seose.xini? Otherwise blame Sordie :P

13 years, 26 weeks ago
Post #110447 Re: Unable to make party

This is a very well known Seose glitch. No known fix for it to my knowledge, since Seose is close-sourced.

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13 years, 24 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > Seose > Unable to make party