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Another portforwarding problem
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Post #101605 Another portforwarding problem

Before we start, yes I have looked at a lot of guides to see how to port forward and I still cant figure out what to do.

So I think I do it right everytime but then when I use Sordies server checker, it dosnt work.
I just need help to see if I filled in all the boxes right.
box#1: Ip Address forwarded to (I select my computer from the drop down box)
Box#2: Application to Forward: ( I choose custom ports and put in 8078 as the source ports)
Box#3: Destination Ports (Type in 8078 in the box)
Box#4: Forward to port: (I select "Same as incoming port" In the drop down menu)
Box#5: Protocol (I select "Both UPD/TCP" in the drop down menu)
Box#6: WAN Connection Type (I select All Bradband Devices in the drop down box)
Last but not least box#7: Schedule (I select "Always" in the drop down menu)

If anyone could tell me what im putting in wrong, that would be great! Thanks in advance,

Just a tip, not sure if this means anything but I'm attempting to host my server via wireless internet, this may be my problem but I'm not sure but thought it would help? Anyway thanks again!
13 years, 29 weeks ago
Post #101618 Re: Another portforwarding problem

Use wildsurvivals portforwarding program here

13 years, 29 weeks ago
Post #101621 Re: Another portforwarding problem

i used http://canyouseeme.org/ to check and see if the port was open and it said it wasnt even after i used the program

13 years, 29 weeks ago
Post #103500 Re: Another portforwarding problem

if you are using a wireless router to open port you have to open the port on the isp router as well, depending where you are you might have to contact isp to open thier end

13 years, 28 weeks ago
Post #103659 Re: Another portforwarding problem

post a screenie of the forwarding page from your router

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13 years, 28 weeks ago
Post #103665 Re: Another portforwarding problem

Honestly how is port forwarding that hard? Go to your router page .. Go to port forwarding or w.e it is on your router put tcp as 8078 end and begin AND BaM portforwarded 

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13 years, 28 weeks ago
Post #103666 Re: Another portforwarding problem


go to forwarding or games or apps or whatever it is in your routers page and do the obvious

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13 years, 28 weeks ago
Post #103667 Re: Another portforwarding problem

You can't Agree with me tell you give me you stuff on Eor ^^.. Lawls! jk.. I remember when i didn't know how to portforward though i thought it was the hardest thing in the world

" Too much English, NOT ENOUGH CAPS! " - Wildsurvival
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13 years, 28 weeks ago
Post #103671 Re: Another portforwarding problem
Coolrax posted: (10th Sep 2011, 07:12 am)

You can't Agree with me tell you give me you stuff on Eor ^^.. Lawls! jk.. I remember when i didn't know how to portforward though i thought it was the hardest thing in the world

after all the drama caused by that damned scav? no way! besides I almost never give items away, never know when I may want to play. I have a pretty good pdoll and goods on edge as well and never log there either.

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- Unknown
13 years, 28 weeks ago
Post #103674 Re: Another portforwarding problem

Haha i have a lvl 0 Panda Skinned named Coolrax OMG! xD owait, it also has a tamohawk :O.. Lawl

" Too much English, NOT ENOUGH CAPS! " - Wildsurvival
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13 years, 28 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > Seose > Another portforwarding problem