Ok i have everything compiled and i have mysql running with heidiSQL and it says that everything in running together when i go into heidi /* Connection established with host "" on port 3307 */
/* Connection-ID: 2 */
SET NAMES latin1
But when i run eoserv debug i get, Database Error: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061), anyone know what my problem is? this is my config.ini, ### LOGGING ###
## stdout
# Filename to log normal output
# Use - for console output
LogOut = -
## stdout
# Filename to log errors
# Use - for console output
LogErr = error.log
### SERVER ###
## Host
# The IP address the server should listen on
# = all
Host =
## Port
# The port the server should listen on
Port = 3307
## MaxConnections
# The maximum number of connections the server will open
MaxConnections = 300
## ListenBacklog
# The maximum number of half-open connections that can be queued up
ListenBacklog = 50
## MaxPlayers
# The maximum number of players who can be online
MaxPlayers = 200
## MaxConnectionsPerIp
# The maximum numbers of connections one IP address can open
MaxConnectionsPerIP = 2
## PasswordSalt
# Enter any large amount of random characters here
# WARNING: Changing this will break any existing users' passwords.
PasswordSalt = ChangeMe
### DATABASE ###
## DBType
# Database type (mysql or sqlite)
DBType = mysql
## DBHost
# MySQL hostname / SQLite filename
DBHost = localhost
## DBUser
# Database username (MySQL only)
DBUser = root
## DBPass
# Database password (MySQL only)
DBPass = *************
## DBName
# Database name (MySQL only)
DBName = eoserv
## FILES ##
## EIF
## ENF
## ESF
## ECF
# pub file locations
EIF = ./data/pub/dat001.eif
ENF = ./data/pub/dtn001.enf
ESF = ./data/pub/dsl001.esf
ECF = ./data/pub/dat001.ecf
## NewsFile
# File containing the MotD and news
NewsFile = ./data/news.txt
## MapDir
# Directory maps are contained
MapDir = ./data/maps/
## Maps
# Number of maps to attempt to load
# Should be less than 99999
Maps = 278
## NPCDir
# Directory NPC data is contained
NPCDir = ./data/npc/
## QuestDir
# Directory quests are contained
QuestDir = ./data/quests/
## ScriptDir
# Directory scripts are contained
ScriptDir = ./data/scripts/
## SLN ##
## SLN
# Enable or disable SLN
# NOTE: This will put your webserver on a publicly viewable list of servers
SLN = 1
# URL of SLN server
SLNURL = https://eoserv.net/SLN/
## ServerName
# Common name of your server
ServerName = Untitled Server
## SLNPeriod
# How often your server checks in with the SLN server (in seconds)
# Should be between 600 (10 minutes) and 1800 (30 minutes)
SLNPeriod = 900
## GUILDS ##
## GuildPrice
# Cost to create a new guild
# Shouldn't be changed unless using a custom client which supports it
GuildPrice = 50000
## RecruitCost
# Cost to guild bank to recruit a new member
# Shouldn't be changed unless using a custom client which supports it
RecruitCost = 1000
## GuildMaxMembers
# Maximum number of members a guild can hold
GuildMaxMembers = 5000
## GuildBankMax
# Maximum amount of gold a guild bank can store (less than 2bil)
GuildBankMax = 10000000
## MISC ##
## MaxPlayers
# Maximum number of players that can be logged in (admin accounts except)
MaxPlayers = 200
## IPConnectLimit
# Number of connections allowed from one IP address
IPConnectLimit = 3
## IPReconnectLimit
# Number of seconds an IP address must wait between connections
IPReconnectLimit = 10
## ShowLevel
# Show level where the guild tag usually sits
ShowLevel = 0
## PKServer
# Enables PK on all maps except citys and spawn points
PKServer = 0
## PKRestrict
# Restrict PKing to people within X levels of a character
# 0 = disabled
PKRestrict = 5
## WarpBubbles
# Whether to show the bubbles when admin warp commands are used
WarpBubbles = 1
## HideGlobal
# Disable the recieving of global messages when the tab is hidden
# This makes no sense unless you enable GlobalBuffer too
HideGlobal = 0
## HideBuffer
# The number of lines to buffer and send to clients who open global
# If HideGlobal is off it's only sent on connect
HideBuffer = 0
## AdminPrefix
# Prefix for admin commands, shouldn't be changed
AdminPrefix = $
## StatPerLevel
# Stat points gained per level-up
StatPerLevel = 3
## SkillPerLevel
# Skill points gained per level-up
SkillPerLevel = 3
## EnforceWeight
# How strongly to enforce weight limits
# 0 = none 1 = attack block 2 = pick up block
EnforceWeight = 2
## MaxWeight
# Highest the weight and max weight can go
# Should be less than 253
MaxWeight = 250
## MaxLevel
# Highest level you can achieve
# Should be less than 253
MaxLevel = 250
## MaxExp
# Highest amount of EXP a character can have
# Should be less than 2.1bil
MaxExp = 2000000000
## MaxStat
# Highest level a stat will go
# Should be less than 65k (or 253 to maintain .27 compatability)
MaxStat = 1000
## MaxSkillLevel
# Highest level a skill will go
# Should be less than 253
MaxSkillLevel = 100
## MaxSkills
# Maximum number of skills you can learn
# Should be 48 unless you use a custom/patched client which supports more
MaxSkills = 48
## MaxMessageLength
# Maximum length of a message
# Should be 128 unless you use a custom/patched client which support more
MaxMessageLength = 128
## MaxCharacters
# Maximum number of characters an account can have
# Should be 3 unless you use a custom/patched client which support more
MaxCharacters = 3
## GhostTimer
# Number of seconds to wait between ghost walks
# Uses 4 to compensate for lag (should be 5)
GhostTimer = 4
## AttackLimit
# Number of times you can attack without moving
# Shouldn't be changed unless using a custom client which supports it
AttackLimit = 251
## DropTimer
# Number of seconds to wait between drop flood protection ticks
DropTimer = 120
## DropAmount
# Number of items you can drop per drop flood timer tick
DropAmount = 15
## ProtectPlayerDrop
# Protect drops from players for X seconds
# Shouldn't be lowered unless using a custom client which supports it
ProctectPlayerDrop = 5
## ProtectNPCDrop
# Protect drops from NPCs for X seconds
# Shouldn't be lowered unless using a custom client which supports it
ProtectNPCDrop = 30
## SeeDistance
# Distance a client should be able to see players, NPCs and items
# Shouldn't be changed unless using a custom client which supports it
SeeDistance = 11
## DropDistance
# Distance a player can drop an item
# Shouldn't be changed unless using a custom client which supports it
DropDistance = 2
## ChatLength
# Maximum length for a chat message
# Shouldn't be changed unless using a custom client which supports it
ChatLength = 128
## ShareMode
# Formula that EXP/drops are given out to non-partied players
# Gains made by partied characters are totalled and handled to PartyShareMode
# 0 = last hit takes all
# 1 = most damage takes all
# 2 = fair share based on damage each player attacks
# 3 = fair share between all attackers
ShareMode = 2
## PartyShareMode
# Formula that EXP/drops are given out to partied players
# 0 = last hit takes all
# 1 = most damage takes all
# 2 = fair share based on damage each player attacks
# 3 = fair share between all attackers
PartyShareMode = 3
## GhostNPC
# Are players allowed to walk through NPCs
# A client shouldn't be able to, but it can help laggy users
GhostNPC = 0
## AllowStats
# Allow WebCP to retrieve stats from your server (eg. online count)
# You might want to disable this if you don't use WebCP
AllowStats = 1
## StartMap, StartX, StartY
# Map+location new characters start on (0 to use database default)
StartMap = 0
StartX = 0
StartY = 0
## SpawnMap, SpawnX, SpawnY
# Default death spawn maps for new characters (0 to use database default)
SpawnMap = 0
SpawnX = 0
SpawnY = 0
## JailMap, JailX, JailY
# Map+location players are sent when jailed
JailMap = 76
JailX = 6
JailY = 5
## StartItems
# Items a charater should start with
# Syntax: id,amt;id,amt; (must end with semicolon if used)
StartItems =
## StartSpells
# Spells a charater should start with
# Syntax: id,level;id,level; (must end with semicolon if used)
StartSpells =
## StartEquipMale
# Equipment a male character should start with (must end with comma)
# Syntax: item,item,item,..., (x15)
StartEquipMale = 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
## StartEquipFemale
# Equipment a female character should start with (must end with comma)
# Syntax: item,item,item,..., (x15)
StartEquipFemale = 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
## MaxHairStyle
## MaxHairColor
## MaxSkin
# The maximum character parameters that can exist
MinHairStyle = 20
MaxHairColor = 12
MaxSkin = 6
## CreateMinHairStyle
## CreateMaxHairStyle
## CreateMinHairColor
## CreateMaxHairColor
## CreateMinSkin
## CreateMaxSkin
# The minimum and maximum character parameters that new characters can use
# This should only be changed for custom/patched clients which allow them
CreateMinHairStyle = 1
CreateMaxHairStyle = 20
CreateMinHairColor = 0
CreateMaxHairColor = 12
CreateMinSkin = 0
CreateMaxSkin = 3
## DefaultBanLength
# Default length of a ban (if no length is provided)
DefaultBanLength = 2h
## RATES ##
## ExpRate
# Rate that exp is gives at (%)
# 200 is 2x, 1000 is 10x etc.
ExpRate = 100
## DropRate
# Rate that items are dropped at (%)
# 200 is 2x, 1000 is 10x etc.
DropRate = 100
## GoldRate
# Rate that gold is dropped at (%)
# 200 is 2x, 1000 is 10x etc.
GoldRate = 100
## MobRate
# Globaly control general strength of all monsters (%)
# 200 is 2x, 1000 is 10x etc.
MobRate = 100
# None of these should surpass 2.1 billion
# Many of these shouldn't surpass 16 million
## MaxBankGold
# Maximum gold a bank can hold
MaxBankGold = 2000000000
## MaxItem
# Maximum amount of an item you can hold
MaxItem = 10000000
## MaxDrop
# Maximum amount of an item you can drop at once
MaxDrop = 10000000
## MaxChest
# Maximum amount of an item a chest will hold
MaxChest = 10000000
## MaxBank
# Maximum amount of an item a bank locker will hold
# Should be less than 253
MaxBank = 200
## MaxTile
# Maximum number of items that can be placed on one map tile
# Shouldn't surpass 65k (though even a few 100 can start to cause problems)
MaxTile = 8
## MaxMap
# Maximum number of items that can be placed on one map
# Shouldn't surpass 65k (though even a few 100 can start to cause problems)
MaxMap = 400
## MaxTrade
# Maximum amount of an item that can be traded
MaxTrade = 10000000